Successful treatment for WM

Continuing the discussion from I've been thinking about you, how are you doing?:

For my WM I have just completed a programme of 6 treatments of DRC at 3 weekly intervals plus 6 injections to boost my autoimmune system.
4 months ago I found it impossible to do the majority of every day tasks, and I could not walk more than 50 metres.
Now I can do everything and have done a walk of 3 miles.
I now only hope that the success of the treatment is long lasting.
My sincere thanks go to my haematologist consultant and the wonderful nurses in the day clinic.


Hi @Broyter, it’s wonderful to hear how far you’ve come, it sounds like you’ve been through an awful lot. Good to hear you had such a brilliant treating team.

We have everything crossed that the treatment success is long lasting and that you go from strength to strength!


Hi @Broyter I am so glad that you have posted, it sounds as if you are doing well and have a wonderful treatment team.
I am also a great walker, I think it is good fresh air exercise and very good if you are as nosey as I am.
I look forward to hearing more about you.
Look after yourself

Hi Broyter,
Good on ya’. I’m in a Clinical Trial DRC against Rituximab/Ibrutinib. I’m in the RI arm. Finished Rituximab last November and now it’s Ibrutinib everyday. Having had chemo/radiotherapy for Hodgkins in '84 and now on targetted treatment for WM what a difference.
It felt strange when my CSN used the word remittance within weeks of my last Rituximab. It was the ‘5 year rule’ in '84 before daring to say the R word.

Enjoy those walks, get the air and listen to the birds.
Best wishes for the future.


Goofed for you. I hope I enjoy the same experience.

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It’s so lovely to hear how well you are feeling and that you are back to doing the things you love!

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I too have had DRC treatment for WM which finished after 6 rounds Oct 2022. Now have blood tests every 3 months and all going well. Taking every day as it comes but feel so much better than this time last year. Positive thoughts all the way!


Oh @Lot how lovely to hear from you with your update.
I am so glad that you feel so much better than you did this time last year…
Yes, taking every day as it comes sounds a very good idea to me too.
Sending loads of positive thoughts to you too and really look after yourself and keep posting.

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Great to hear you are feeling so well :blush:


Lovely to hear some positive news and that you are doing well after your treatment. Like you say each day as it comes , it’s definitely small steps rather than big strides but you will get there. All the very best for a continued improvement. Do stay in touch.