Sun screen and body products post transplant / leukaemia

Looking for recommendations of good sun screen / lotions and general body care items post transplant for my husband. He’s not currently suffering with skin rashes so looking for safe and sensitive products I suppose?

Thank you! :star_struck:


Hi @Toadmum perhaps this is a good question for your husbands medical team as they know his whole medical history.
Others can share their experiences, but not recommend, because we are all very special unique people
Also perhaps cover up with a shirt and a jaunty hat.High factor products are usually highly advised.
I have not had a transplant, but I have Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and have had skin cancer twice on the top of my head and other bits and bobs on my face.I look like a mixture of Friar Tuck and Worsel Gummidge.
Good thinking though it’s important


Hi @Toadmum
Our skin is unique to us so my creams may not suit your hubby
If he has sensitive skin it might be worth getting advice from team/gp

There are three of us in my house and we all use different products on our skin
My girl is sensitive to camomile so we avoid anything that contains it.
Washing powder is another to keep an eye on as is fabric conditioner.
I don’t go out in the sun
I cover up my head and body as my risk of skin cancer is high due to my treatment
All the creams I use I have done for years it’s been trial and error for my fussy skin.and I have used them through and post transplants


Hi @Toadmum,

I hope things are going well? How is your husband getting on?

I would definitely have a chat to the team about what the recommendations are. His skin is likely to be much more sensitive to the sun than normal, usual recommendation would be to try to stay out of the sun if possible, and utilising sun hats, high factor sun cream and shade.
Please do chat to the team to see what the recommendations are post stem cell transplant, some of the medications he is taking might put him at extra risk also, so best to talk through this with them.

Best Wishes,
Heidi J (Support Services Nurse)


Hi @Toadmum,

Just add too, there is a forum you may find useful of other users discussing a similar topic, which also has some recommendations on it Sunscreen protection with high spf of 50 but would still chat to the treatment team to see what they can recommend.

Take care,
Emma (Support Services Nurse)


Thank you for all the wonderful tips and suggestions! I should have added that he is desperately trying to keep out of the sun, hydrated, covered up & that we will of course ask his doctors. I will go through your suggestions in more detail - thank you everyone!