Hi my 76 year old dad as been in hospital for 5 weeks he had covid which left him very weak and had acute chest pneumonia , he is negative covid now but as caused a change in his blood count his blood cancer team did a test yday from his bone marrow as anybody had this done and why is it usually done. ? And what treatment is usually given after ?
Hi @Ac28, your dad really has been through the mill hasn’t me, it must be scary and horrible for you to watch and there is nothing you can do to make him better.
I will copy your question to @BloodCancerUK to see if they can assist you.
Some people on this forum have had them and I believe it can take time to get the results back.
Don’t forget that everyone is an individual with unique medical histories so often treating or not can be individual.
Perhaps ask your dad to write down all his concerns, thoughts, practicalities and other questions to ask his medical team.
How are you doing?
Really look after yourself and keep posting
Hi thanks for your response, I’m ok rollercoaster of emotions and the not knowing, I know the doctors and my dads team are doing there best for him, it’s just not nice seeing him so weak for 5 weeks but that was due to covid his body his just exhausted so this is just another hurdle to get past thanks for posting it on the main forum for me and your kind words xxx
Hi @Ac28,
Thank you for sharing this. I’m sorry to hear that your dad has been unwell & that you’re going through a worrying time. I do hope you’re coping okay?
If you find it helpful to talk this through with one of us over the phone, we have a confidential support line, the number for which is 0808 2080 888. Please feel free to give us a call if you think it might be helpful.
May i ask does your dad have a history of blood cancer or previously been given a diagnosis?
Bone marrow testing is often done as part of investigations or diagnostic tests to determine what is occurring within the bone marrow. It is used to diagnose many blood disorder and bone marrow conditions, including blood cancers.
A bone marrow biopsy involves removing a sample of bone marrow to look at under the microscope.
This can show whether your body is making normal, healthy blood cells or not. This helps the doctors better understand your dads symptoms and help diagnosis a condition & also better understand what/ if any treatment is required.
In case it’s useful, here is more general information about bone marrow testing- Bone marrow test | Tests and scans| Cancer Research UK
Bone marrow test results can often take a couple of weeks & often this period of time can leave you feeling in limbo, so please do know that we are here for you should you need to talk to anyone.
Do Take Care, Lauran
Hi Lauren thank you for your kind reply it helps knowing others understand, my dad as had Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) for 5 years now and as always been fit and well considering, he as always gone for check ups and as been monitored, then 5 weeks ago was admitted to hospital with covid and was put on a covid ward to treat bacterial infection and acute pneumonia then was transferred to the blood cancer ward a week ago because it seems to have caused problems with his leaukemia I know he is in the best place and the team of docs are amazing I just think myself and my family didn’t expect him to be in this long but they have said covid alone makes you weak and on top of that they are treating his Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) seems to be making very slight progress and we are just anxious thinking what next , thanks for your reply tho it helps me to write down mine and my family’s concerns and worryxxx
Hi @Ac28. yes, doesn’t it help to write down our worries and concerns on here.
It sounds as if your dad is being well looked after and that he is being looked at holistically. As the saying goes ‘time is a great healer’, but perhaps it will take time.
The best thing you as a family can do is really look after yourselves.
Please keep posting
How are you and your dad @Ac28?
Look after yourselves
Hi sorry haven’t been on for a while it’s been a tough few weeks from dad being on covid ward for 4 weeks to then being transferred to a blood cancer ward for 3 weeks and then being told on the 2 week the next 48 hours were crucial because dad was going downhill not eating or talking so they changed his antibiotic to a very strong antibiotic and within 24 hours there was a massive improvement that within 4 days they took the iv antibiotic drip off him and no temp spike so finally they had beat the infection that they had tried to control for 5 weeks and he gained his appetite back and was in high spirits so last week they transferred him to a rehabilitation centre to help him gain strength in his legs and help him be more independent , I have been to see him today and the improvement within 4 days is amazing he his mobile again with help of a walking stick and as walked 13 steps which is how many steps on his stairs at home he as lost 1 and half stone but his eating good now and having 3 milkshake drinks a day full of calories and vitamins so now he as beat covid he just needs to battle his next hurdle his Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) his doctor from Birmingham heartlands is aware of everything and his going to speak to him next week he needs to have a routine blood test for his Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) to see where they are with it and see what chemo is needed the doctors are all amazed with his progress and so are we as a family thank you so much for your concern it really means a lot I will keep you posted on his next journey
After reading some of the stories on the forum about if people are eligible for certain antiviral drugs and medication that suppose to prevent covid I am going to speak to my dads Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) team because for the first 6 weeks of my dads stay in hospital he was on different iv antibiotics constantly because they kept saying they didn’t know what infection they were fighting he was also on antiviral Iv I’m not sure which ones ect and we are anxious after nearly loosing dad to covid could he have been given that infusion I have read people on about that is suppose to prevent covid or now he is over covid as he been given it before he left hospital or what would he need to do if tested positive again and what are the chances of this because he still needs to live a life safely but will be testing regular if anybody as any help or advice it would be much appreciated xxxx
Dear @Ac28, I think it very wise to speak to your Dad’s Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) team regarding the treatment he received so you are clear. If he were to test positive again he should still be eligible for an assessment for the COVID antiviral treatments. Here is our information about this: Antibody and antiviral treatments for people with blood cancer | Blood Cancer UK. Do give us a call on the Support Line to talk things through if that helps: How to contact Blood Cancer UK | Blood Cancer UK. Take care Gemma
Wow, @Ac28 I cannot imagine what the last few weeks have been like you for, you must be emotionally, physically and practically completely exhausted and drained.
Your dad has really been through the mill and is obviously working hard with his rehabilitation.
@GemmaBloodCancerUK has given you a lot of information.
Now perhaps is your opportunity to get your batteries recharged.
Does anyone else know that feeling?
Please keep on posting as I would like to find out more about you.
Be kind to yourselves
Hi Gemma thank you so much for your response I will definitely find out, because when my dad tested positive for covid 8 weeks ago I called 111 and informed them of his Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) so they had a doctor call me back who just advised to take paracetamol and bed rest if I had found this group when he first tested positive for covid I would have taken further action because he was at home for 7 days before finally a ambulance came out and when admitted his infection rate was 400 very high I feel a little guilty that I didn’t take him to hospital straight away when he first tested positive for covid with mild symptoms and maybe they could have treated him before we nearly ended up loosing him but thankfully he as survived covid and is making good improvement in the rehabilitation centre to help him come home and then his next hurdle is blood test from his Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) team to see if needs chemo thanks again xxx
Hi Erica thanks yes my emotions have been like a rollercoaster and my family feel like from the first time he was tested positive for covid 8 weeks ago and called 111 and had doctors call us back they didn’t take it seriously and just advised bed rest and paracetamol so we listened to them but we are anxious if he ever got covid again we would just take him straight to hospital when symptoms were mild instead of waiting for covid to get serious to a point my dad nearly lost his life He as a surpressed immune system so even tho he as had his 4 vaccinations for covid it doesn’t offer much help , me and my family are trying to get to back to some sort of normality now the occupational therapist is going to moms tomorrow to access there house because dad needs to be able to climb stairs and they have a bath with a shower over it to see if dad qualifies for any adaptations to his property which will benefit him in the long run xxx thanks again I feel a lot better now dad is making progress and have started my swimming again it really helps with my mh xxxx