The death of Queen Elizabeth 2, a safe supportive place to share if you wish to

This is a safe, supportive space for anyone to be able to share (in they wish to) their thoughts and feelings brought up by the death of Queen Elizabeth 2.


I suppose the death of Queen Elizabeth 2 for me brings up feelings of mortality, the differences in traditions and ceremonies and the realisation that people are so very individual and might or might not be affected in many different ways.
I was lucky not to lose anyone close until I was just into my 30th’s but this meant that by this time I was a mother and because looking back I was so self-consumed with my grief and practicalities, I did not know how to support him which I regret.
As for my other feelings I sort of have a numbness.


I don’t think I’m as affected by death as much as I used to be having now experienced it quite a lot. It’s obviously a momentous historical event and it feels strange having a King rather than a Queen but I’m not particularly affected in a personal way. I suppose I associate her reign with particular points in my life so there would be certain things having gone on in my life corresponding to her various jubilees and big events in the royal family such as their weddings and deaths but I don’t feel a sense of loss of the person more of the time that they represented and the part of my life that involved. I think she will be the last old school monarch and that it won’t feel the same with Charles and some of his personal idiosyncracies.


For some reason it just reminded me of
losing my nan 16 years ago. Especially when I saw the rainbow which was just beautiful! Very sad but the rainbow did bring a smile X


Thank you @Erica for providing this safe supportive space. My mother is only five years younger than the Queen and I am currently facing turbulent times, along with my sister, grappling with huge decisions regarding our mother’s future care. Therefore the sadness and shock of the Queen’s death adds to the sadness I am feeling at the moment. However, I am also so grateful for the Queen’s example, faithful service, humility and diligence. An incredible life, lived well. May her legacy be one of peace. Willow X


As you put it @Willow ‘grappling with huge decisions regarding your mother’s future care’ is such a responsibility and the death of the Queen must add to your thoughts and feelings.
We are all here and if you would like to talk to someone the Blood Cancer UK support line is also there for you.
Thinking of you loads, you are such a support to others, now we can support you.
Be kind to yourself.


For me, I feel a sense of loss, almost as if a member of my family had died. It brings back memories of losing my husband almost 18 months ago and that has brought sadness to me and also my son.
On a positive note, I had the great pleasure of being introduced to HM Queen Elizabeth ll on 31/10/2002 when the company I worked for collaborated with The British Red Cross to put on a Royal Gala performance of Bombay Dreams. HM the Queen was the most lovely, amusing person and I shall remember her with great fondness and happiness. May she rest in eternal peace and thanks for all her dedication and graciousness. She certainly was a role model whom we all loved.


Hi @CLL6 I think it is natural for you to have a sense of loss, especially as you had met the Queen, and that it has triggered memories losing your husband 18 mths ago.
We are here for you and if you would like to talk to someone the Blood Cancer UK support line is there for you.
You and your son just be kind to yourselves


Thanks Erica. I’m sure we will be fine. Everything takes time and sometimes memories surface when something else happens to remind us.