Tki and heartfailure

Hi diagnosed with Chronic myeloid leukaemia just over 18 months ago and now have been diagnosed with heart failure, my cardiologist can not say if it is imatinib or just me, would really appreciate hearing from anyone that may have gone through similar thanks Karen x


Hi @karencreasey I am sorry to hear about your heart failure, but good to hear from you again.
Firstly I know that the British Heart Foundation and cardiologists use the blanket words heart failure but it seems to cover so many heart conditions.
My husband was diagnosed with it after a mini stroke.
I have had Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) for 20 yrs, with no treatment, and I was diagnosed with it, I have an irregular heart beat and also a leaking aortic valve.
The answer to your question is who knows in my book, however I am not a medical person.
I await others experiences.
The main thing is that you look after yourself and please do keep posting how you are and are getting on.

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Thanks Erica you have always been so kind with your responses. I will be fine, the last 18 months have totally upended my life, just have to get used to a new normal. Thanks Karen x

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