
Hi .Im new to the site. Can anyone tell me if they are using Besremi injections for the treatment of polycithemia.
I have had this for 13 yrs and this seems to be my only option now.
I would like to know if it is tolerated well. Thankyou.


Hi @Ernie1950 a great big welcome to our forum
A very good question perhaps best asked of your medical team as they know your whole medical history.
I have to write down all my fears, questions and practicalities before my appointments.
However others may be able to share their experiences.
I will also copy your post to the Blood Cancer UK nurses @BloodCancerUK_Nurses
Look after yourself and please do let us know more about you and how you get on.


Hi @Ernie1950 ,
Welcome to our forum and thank you for your post.
Besremi seems to be tolerated fairly well, however this can vary from person to person, so it is a good idea to keep your team informed on how you are feeling and especially if you experience any new symptoms or side effects. Some people may find it useful to keep a diary. If you are having any concerns or reservations about starting this treatment, speaking with your clinical nurse specialist or consultant may be useful.

We have a community thread discussing this which may be helpful to read over Besremi information - General chat - Blood Cancer UK Online Community Forum
Within this, one of our service support nurses links to the EMC website which has information about side effects in detail. These can be found under ‘possible side effects’ within the patient information leaflet, which can be found here Besremi 250 micrograms/0.5 mL solution for injection in pre-filled pen - Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) - (emc). However all side effects are listed, so it may be best to have a look at the ones under the ‘common’ section.

We also have an information page about this drug, in case this is helpful to read through Interferon for MPNs – Besremi now a treatment option during Pegasys shortage | Blood Cancer UK

If you would like to talk about this further, you are more than welcome to call us on 0808 2080 888.

Take care,
Emma (Support Services Nurse)


I have besrimi as part of my treatment for myelofibrosis.

I have a 250 mcg dose every 2 weeks. It took a little while to build up to this dose.

I tolerate it at this level. I seem to tolerate most things.

It works for me. Hope this helps.


Thank you. It does help. I am quite concerned because the leaflet says do not take if you have bowel problems. As he has Crohns as well we are not to sure what to do.


Hello @Ernie1950,
Thanks for your reply.

I’m glad you found this information helpful.

We would advise that you call your haematology team/ clinical nurse specialist if you are concerned about any of the side effects of the medication and clarify that they are aware of the Crohn’s diagnosis as well. If you have a colorectal nurse who manages the Crohn’s, perhaps speak with them to inform them that you take Besremi if they are not already aware.

Take care,
Emma (support services nurse)

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Thankyou for your help. We are in the process of doing this. But there seems to be no info about chrones and besremi. There has been no trials done.

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