Type of blood cancer, worst side effects,cure or relief, any missed treatments?

Hubby has :-
Blood cancer : Myeloma
Worst side effect : serious fatigue, reduction in liver function, severe body rash.
Relief: Lots of smoothies & fruit to give him energy due to low appetite.Also fibre chocolate bars to stop constipation .Gives him energy to exercise a little.Antihistamine drip cured the rash. They also stopped my antibiotic tablet of co trimoxazole.
Missed a week of chemo due to poor liver results, resume week after.
Anyone else miss any treatment and have good or bad response???
Thanks for sharing your journey…:kissing_heart:


Hi @Olivia and thanks for sharing your husbands and your journey, I cannot help you with your medical queries.
I hope others may be able to share their experiences.
I wonder how you are doing you are such a caring wife?
Please do look after yourself as well as you look after you hubby.


Hi Erica,

On the whole I am doing ok Thank you. As with others it was a real shock when hubby got the diagnosis. I find my best way to deal with things is to research and learn about the issue. Then deal with them head on.OH prefers to go day by day dealing with things slowly and without to much information.
Initially I didn’t address it and it took a few days to really sink in. Now I just get on with it and try to give him what he needs. Now I have got my head around it all, I realise I have to eat, sleep and stay strong to be able to support him.
This website has been so helpful and a form of release. It is thanks to people like you Erica that have stuck with it and are always there to offer kind words and useful advice. I don’t know how you do it, so selfless. I just hope that one day I am able to hopefully help maybe even just one person through their cancer journey, whether a patient, carer or relative. Even if it’s something small , like passing on any useful tips along the way.
I hope you too are looking after YOU!! Take care.x


I have had treatment stopped for covid in 2022 for a couple weeks with no change to blood results
I was taken off co trimoxazole and put on other antibiotics plus a sotrivomib infusion
Then resumed treatment and co trimoxazole

Recently I had an upper respiratory virus and treatment stopped for a couple of weeks I had it last Friday with no change to my blood numbers apart from neutrophils as they are part of the infection fighting immune system and were a bit lower

Myeloma it’s self causes fatigue anaemia causes fatigue then treatments add to that fatigue

7 years in and I still suffer with fatigue


Thanks for replies guys, It’s so interesting and reassuring to hear about your journeys and similarities.
I can see that is definitely an individual journey and treatment seems to have come on so far in,last few years that there is alternatives if something doesn’t quite fit.
2DB sorry you had a virus. I hope it has passed and you are recovering well.
Betsy - hope you are back on course too…:+1:


Sorry “ Bitsy”. That’s my sausage fingers!!


Hi @Olivia
Thank you

Still got a bit of a cough feel much better in myself
I sound like I have a cold probably from all the coughing

Hope your doing ok today


I’m ok thanks. Everything crossed you keep improving.:blush:

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