Hi, not really sure what I’m looking for posting here, maybe just a bit of advice or reassurance.
Im a 22 year old female, generally very healthy and active but over the last 3/4 months been feeling unwell. Started off just very very tired, lost a bit of weight at the start (but seems to have stopped now), dizziness and breathlessness when trying to exercise (doing exercise which I could usually do with no issues), in the last few weeks have been getting rashes and very itchy skin and often very hot/feverish.
Obviously googling those symptoms gives you worst case scenarios… and I’m trying to convince myself that I’m just overthinking it but could this be blood cancer? The symptoms are quite general and could be a lot of things but every time I google it blood cancer is always mentioned. Should I see a GP? What should I say to them? Should I say I’m worried about cancer or just see what they think it is? What tests are they likely to do?
(I also have anxiety which is probably making this worse, but then I am also worried that if I go to a GP I will be dismissed because of having anxiety and they may not properly believe me?)
Hi @anon125 thanks so much for posting, but perhaps as you realise a GP appointment is in order.
Personally I would write down all your fears, symptoms, how long you have had them and their severity, questions and practicalities.
As you say the symptoms you describe are very generic and could be due to a lot of things.
If you have tests it will be to rule reasons in or out.
Yes, personally I reckon my anxiety would make things worse and I am better off knowing than not knowing.
Please do let us know how you get on and be ever so kind to yourself.
I would suggest going to the GP, explain your symptoms, ask for a routine blood test. They’ll check your vital signs to make sure everything is ok. There’s no harm in asking & it will give you a peace of mind to hear answers from somebody with expertise. I wish you all the best.
Hi @anon125.
I think it’s really important to see your GP. It could be a number of different tvthigs but I always think if anything changes with your health, then it’s worth getting checked out.
Google can be useful but also can send you in to panic mode because you focus on worst case scenarios.
Of course you’re worried so write all your symptoms down so you don’t forget anything at your appointment.
Please let us know how you get on