I have had stomach and chest pains for about 5 years now and they have got worse since April. I have had numerous blood tests over this time. I have had stool samples, endoscopy and colonoscopy and ultrasounds. Other than being diagnosed with diverticulitis and a hiatal hernia everything else is ok.
I recently had a lump on my neck which has now gone down but now there is one in my left groin.
I stupidly googled about lymph nodes and now I am worried I have lymphoma or something similar. As I said I have had blood tests (FBC, tumour markers etc) but all came back fine.
I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow but I’m so scared that I will be diagnosed with something more sinister. The pressure it is putting on my marriage is unbelievable and whilst my wife is supportive, she thinks that there is nothing wrong with me. Her father is also receiving chemotherapy and I just can’t take it if she has to look after both of us.
Hi @Cas1098 and welcome to the forum. I’m glad you found us as I can sense the anxiety this is causing you.
I’m sure that we have all used google to search symptoms because its so natural that we want to find out more. However, sometimes this adds to our panic so I’m glad you found the forum and the Blood Cancer UK website.
Your symptoms could be a number of things. I’m glad you have an appointment with your GP tomorrow to talk this through - nothing is to small to check. There will need to be a lot more tests (if that’s what the GP advises) before any diagnosis is made.
I think having cancer happeining in your family at present brings it all to the forefront of your imagination. I’m not going to tell you not to worry because the apprehension and waiting is going to cause that. All I will say is try not to catastrophise to much. Write down all your questions for the GP (so important) and make sure you are happy with the information you receive before you leave the appointment. The Blood Cancer Support line is amazing so if it would help to talk it through give them a call to help you prepare for tomorrow.
Please keep sharing on the forum. This is one place that you can be open and honest with people who understand.
Let us know how you get on tomorrow. In the meantime, take care of you today.
Thank you so much for your response. I’m so frightened about the impact that it is having on my family and I don’t know how I can put them through more stress.
Hi @Cas1098 a great big welcome to our forum and @Nichola75 has said everything I would have (and more) I can only say you are in the right place.
Perhaps stress your anxiety to your GP. You also have a short while to write down all your fears, thoughts, symptoms, family history, questions etc. so you ensure you ask all your questions. I have found ‘pleasantly assertive’ is a good approach for me.
Your anxiety comes very naturally from your post.
Unfortunately the usual symptoms of blood cancer can also be several other conditions, so each test you have is to narrow down a diagnosis.
The waiting times and not knowing are the worst times.
This is a safe place where you can post what it is really like being you, and also with the support line.
Please keep posting how you are and how it goes with your GP tomorrow.
Look after yourself.
Thank you so much. Everyone on here has been so kind and supportive. I have written down everything I want to ask and all my fears/anxieties. Will keep people updated.
Thank you. Went to the GP today and she was very reassuring.
She is sending me for some more tests for reassurance but she said that if I thought I had cancer she would have referred me long ago. She took the time to listen to my queries, questions and feelings and examined me thoroughly. Feeling a lot better about the situation. Thank you for reaching out and supporting me when I needed it the most.
@Cas1098 I am so impressed by your GP, what a difference to feel really listened to and reassured.
We are always here for you and now celebrate and spoil yourself.