I recently noticed a lump on my neck. Also losing weight, have no appetite, sweats through the night and recently my poo when I wipe is green.
I know that everyone says you should not Google and self diagnose but now my stress level is so high im almost panicking.
I am trying to stay busy. Have told a few people but not my 2 sons as have no definite info to give them.
I have appt with my GP tmrw, Tues and am completely terrified.
I have been reading through many peoples sad posts and just looking for advice.
Good morning @Joe208, it must be a very anxious time for you. I’m glad you have an appointment with your GP, it’s definitely the right thing to do. I would suggest writing down any questions you have before you attend your appointment. Remember, the support line is there as well if you need them.
We’ve all googled things in the past - I admit to this to - it can be very scary what comes up. But remember, it could be a number of things. It’s good that you can share on here as I understand why you would want to wait to share with others until you have more information.
Please let us know how you get on. tomorrow
Hi @Joe208 a great big welcome to our forum, I am glad that you have found us.
Scary times not knowing for you.
Google is sometimes not the best thing to do, but we have all done it. @Nichola75 has given you good advice.
I am the one with a blood cancer, but my husband had similar symptoms to you recently and the lump is benign and harmless and has actually gone done a bit recently.
I cannot say what your symptoms are though.
Perhaps it is an idea to write down all your fears, symptoms, questions etc so you make sure you ask everything you want to, also ask those follow up questions to ensure understanding of what is being said. I find the medical profession sometimes speak a very foreign language.
Please let us know how you get on and take care.
Hi @Joe208, we can only imagine what you must be going through and how terrified you must be feeling about the appointment tomorrow with your GP. Have you got anyone that come along with you to the appointment? Some people find it helpful to also right down all the symptoms they are experiencing so they don’t forgot as our feelings can sometimes take over our thinking in ensuring we are giving the GP all the information for them to make decisions about next steps. As Nicola75 has mentioned too, writing down all the questions and concerns and worries you have is also helpful in being prepared for the appointment. It’s so easy to google, although there is great information from reputable sites equally there is misinformation too when you start to google things. You have done the right thing though by getting an appointment, lets see what say and take it from there.
Please do remember, our Support Services Team are always here if there’s anything you’d like to talk through further: https://bloodcancer.org.uk/support-for-you/talk-blood-cancer.
Best Wishes
Hi @Joe208. Was just wondering how your appointment went with your GP?
Hi Nichola.
I went to my GP.
As you can imagine I was going into a melt down.
Initially he couldn’t find the lump then said that there was nothing to be scared about.
I’ve known this GP for a long time and seen him for various other things in the past.
He could see that I was not convinced of what he said.
He said that he wants me to leave knowing that he does not feel anything that causes him concern.
He did say that I can can back to see him or go to another GP for a second opinion.
I had hoped he would have sent for a blood test at least.
It has been a week today since I have been and I still have doubts.
Also have no appetite, pains in legs and hands. Now is that me bringing o those symptoms?!.
Im really thinking of seeing another GP.
Thanks for your message Nichola and advice. I really appreciated that.
Hi Erica.
I did go to the GP but he couldn’t find the lump at first, then said that he could not feel anything that causes him concern.
I really don’t know what to feel now.
Its been a week since I was there and it still fill my thoughts.
He did say that I could go back and see him again or get a second opinion from another GP.
I think I need to go back and see a different GP and hopefully they will at least do a blood test.
Thank you for your reply and advice. I really do appreciate that.
Its a very lonely place to be.
I will keep you updated on what I decide to do.
Oh @Joe208 it does sound a very lonely place to be, but now you have us to support you.
Please do let us know what you decide to do, it sounds as if you have the option of a second opinion and you can always ask for a blood test.
Take care @Joe208 and remember we are always here.
Hi Erica.
Yes I will make a decision by tmrw.
I off next week on annual leave so would get an appt then if I decide to do that.
At times its like you don’t want to know things!.
Will keep up updated.
You take care
Hi @Joe208. If a second opinion will put your mind more at rest - and it’s been offered then go for it. Let us know what you decide
Hi @Joe208 I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through this worrying time. If you still have concerns we’d really encourage you to go back and see your GP, and/or get a second opinion. You might find that our information around signs and symptoms of blood cancer is helpful in your conversations with your doctor and formulating questions for them - Blood cancer symptoms and signs | Blood Cancer UK
Would you like to talk things through over the phone with us? Please do give us a call if so, we’d be very happy to talk it through with you and support you wherever we can.
Hi Erica.
I decided to get back to my GP surgery and spoke to another GP. She was really nice and suggested I come back in for a face to face appt. Im going back in on Thursday.
Its will a male GP I have seen before. He sent me for a xray and blood test for something unrelated to this last year.
Time cant come quick enough. Trying to keep busy and distracted.
Thanks again for your messages.
Hi Nichola.
Going to see a different GP this coming Thursday.
Will let you know what they say.
Thanks again for your messages.
Hi @Joe208, great to hear from you. Good luck on Thursday. Will wait to hear
Thanks again Nichola
Will keep you updated
Hi Nichola.
Went back to see a different GP.
He did find a lump. Had a really good play around with it. He thought it was a cyst or just part of my anatomy.
He could see i wanted more than that explanation.
He said he will put a referral to the lump specialist.
He also sent me for a blood sample.
To call back next Thursday re bloods and wait for lump specialist appt.
Well done for making your concerns heard. It’s sometimes really hard but we have to be vocal! Do you feel more at ease now you know something is being done? ‘At ease’ might be the wrong words to use but I hope you know what I mean.
Hi @Joe208, that’s a good outcome, you did well there.
Please let us know how your blood results are next Thursday and when you get your lump specialist appointment.
Hi Nichola
Yes I know what you mean.
Im both very nervous and relieved that I went back.
Will try to stay busy re work and seeing family and friends till Thursday.
Hi Erica.
Will let you know re bloods on Thursday.
Thanks again.