Worried I might have a blood cancer

Hi, I am a 16 year old female that has always been healthy. About around Christmas I first felt swollen lymph nodes in my neck. Later in about March a bruise appeared on my neck. Right now I still have a bruise on my left side of my neck and also a decent size swollen lymph node with a small one by it. On the right side I have 2 swollen lymph nodes that are close to eachother. I’m not sick feeling or anything, is this a cause for concern or am I over stressing it? Also what are the possibilities it could be because I want to be prepared before I go in.


Hi @PennyC a great big welcome and naturally you are very concerned.
You do not say if you have a parent or carer?
Have you already been to a GP, if not, perhaps that is the way forward to have tests to rule conditions in or out.
The important thing is that you are concerned and we cannot give you a medical answer please perhaps do get it checked out for more peace of mind.
Really look after yourself and please do keep posting how you are, I find this is a safe place to say how it really is for me and The Blood Cancer UK support line is also there for you on 0808 2080 888


Hi @PennyC

I’m with @Erica

Your first port of call should be your GP
Give them a call in the morning and make an appointment. Let us know how you get on


Definitely make contact with your GP. Always good to check anything out that’s abnormal. Please keep us updated on how you get on x


Hi @PennyC,

Your symptoms might have arisen for reasons not related to cancer.

But it’s always best to call your GP and explain your symptoms.

I suggest you keep a diary of your energy levels, what you eat, how much you sleep, any changes to your normal routine, etc., so you can give your GP as much information as possible.


Good Morning @PennyC,

I am sorry to read you are having some worries about your health. I would strongly encourage you to visit your GP, they can do a full assessment and decide what investigations are required. Are you able to make an appointment? Or have you a parent or guardian who can do this?

I have attached our webpage on signs and symptoms of blood cancer which you might like to look at, this may also help guide your conversations with your GP. Blood cancer symptoms and signs | Blood Cancer UK

Do let us know how you get on with the doctor, we are here and very happy to support you.
Best Wishes,
Heidi J (Support Services Nurse)