A poem about my journey

I can remember a poem we had to learn by heart at school.
I think it describes very well what most of us feel about our uncertain future.

“ Into my heart an air that kills from yon far country blows,
What are those Blue remembered hills,
What spires,what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The Happy highways where I went
And cannot come again.

A E Housman from The Shropshire Lad.

It’s a beautiful poem and describes eloquently exactly how I feel.


Thank you for that beautiful poem.
This is a quote I find comforting.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller


Another beautiful quote Alfie.
There are so many wonderful uplifting words written in poetry, literature and even songs.
I read some time ago about a blind lady of 91 who was wheelchair bound and very ill. Her relatives could not understand why she was always so happy.
She said “ I’ve had a good life with lots to look back on,
I think of my memories as a bank account. When I’m feeling low I make a withdrawal.”
That’s a great way of dealing with the lonely road we’re travelling.
I’ve been doing exactly the same since I was diagnosed.
However ill we maybe we shouldn’t think of ourselves as invalids.
Good luck and best wishes to you, never give up or lose hope.


Hope, a magical word of four letters
Although everyone struggle to hold fast, scared of loosing it,
Never vanishes from anyone’s life, well what is hope?

Hope is like morning sun
Although an hour late or early,
Never forgets to rise, to start lively life

Hope is like twinkling stars
Although for a while hide behind dark clouds,
Never stop emitting starlight, even in the darkest night

Hope is like enchanting moon
Although disappears for a fortnight,
Never fails to sooth us wherever, however, whatever we are

Hope is like tender grass root
Although gets crushed for few days
Never give up, peeps out beside the hardest rocks and tiles

Hope is like nature
Although attacked by miscreants, calamities
Never allow anyone to perish its infinite flora and fauna

Hope is like newborn baby
Although cry a bit after birth to proclaim its entry
Never get in the way of putting smile on anyone’s face

Hope is like tomorrow
Although comes with mixed bag of joy and sorrow
Never ignores anyone, its there for everyone

Hope is like faith in GOD
Although faints occasionally in difficult times
Never disappoints anyone in the end

Ambrosia Ambrosia


That’s really beautiful Alfie, I shall keep that in archives to remind me when times get difficult.
Best wishes

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Another good one to file away Alfie, well done.
By the way I’ve changed my Rabid Dog GP for a far more affable one.
At least future consultations won’t be a stressful encounter.
Best wishes