My partner has just been dianosed with Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). He has had his first round of chemo but now found out he has the TP53 mutation. Struggling to stay strong for him as came as such a shock
Oh @Hope1 Please do not feel that you have to stay strong on here, I find it is the one place where I can really say how it is to be me.
Welcome to our forum and as you say it has come as such a shock, I would say that you are probably both in shock.
For me it threw all the certainties I thought I had in life up into the air.
I now realise all any of us have in this world is the here and now.
Perhaps you do not have to be strong and the greatest gift you can both give each other is to to be vulnerable, listen to and be honest with each other.
You have entered a world of medical speak and in the 21 yrs since my diagnosis I have never learnt it. I ask medical people to translate it into plain language for me.
Perhaps you might both be able to take this opportunity to write down your fears, questions and practicalities for his next appointment. No question is a silly question.
If you are going with your partner it might help him if you take notes.
The Blood Cancer UK website has lots of information on it about Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) , finances, work etc.
I am not copying you the links because I do not want to overload you with information.
The Blood Cancer UK support line is also there for you on 0808 2080 888
Just be very kind to each other, you might both deal with things very differently, there is no right or wrong way, my husband just sticks his head in the sand and will not talk about things.
Please do keep posting, you are never alone on here and I look forward to hearing more about you both. Look after yourselves
Dear @Hope1,
I am sorry to read of your partner’s diagnosis, this must have been a terrible shock. I am so glad you found us, please use this space to share how you are feeling, the community here will be a great support for you.
Please take one day at a time for now, this is all so out of your control. Please do look after yourself also.
Like @Erica has mentioned we have lots of really helpful information on our website, Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) - what it is, symptoms, tests, treatment, prognosis and support. | Blood Cancer UK, when and if you need it.
We are here for you, you are very welcome to call us if you wish, our number is 0808 2080 888.
Best Wishes,
Heidi J (Support Services Nurse)
I’ve just posted on your other post. First, I’m sorry! You’ll find a big old trail of posts of my husbands diagnosis on here. He was diagnosed with Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in October 2023, with two high risk and unfavourable mutations. I won’t lie, it has been a hard year but he went to transplant in June and is doing great.
You won’t feel good all the time and nor should you expect to. Be kind to yourself and go a minute or an hour or a day at a time.
You will get through this. Lower your expectations of yourself in terms of your feelings. Please do let me know if I can help or chat.
Thank you for your replies they have really helped. Happy new year to you all
And to you @Hope1 xx