Recently diagnosed

I was diagnosed this passing Friday with acute myloid leukemia. Im 34 male. I was admitted to a and e the tuesday before as my health started declining a month earlier to the point i was bed bound and couldnt do anything with out nearly passing out.

Its been a shock to go in for wat i thought was extreme fatigue and find out this. The drs have been amazing and the ward im in the nurses so compassionate and paitent. I was told that i would be staying in hospital and that it would most likely be 6 weeks at first as they want to start chemo asap. They are waiting for the last results they said to decide on the correct things foe the chemo. Im bad at the terms the used as theres so much so im getting lost remembering but i get the idea.

Ill be honest im scared. I struggle with mental health issues so thats amping up the fears to which anyone woukd have getting this news.
I keep thinking how long do i have now and in the next few years is that it. I understand the team here will do everything to help. But i cant help but worry and im trying tk put on a brave face so i dont worry everyone around me that im scared and dont want my story to end.


Hi @Lopsided
I am so sorry about your very recent diagnosis, there is no wonder you are feeling scared and worried about what is happening
I have a different blood cancer but understand some of how you are feeling. It’s a such a lot to deal with and when we have to rely so much on other people to help us get through and understand things it can be really daunting.
Everything you are feeling is absolutely completely understandable !
Please be very kind to yourself and give yourself time and space to feel how you do , .Ask questions of your team , (there are no daft questions ) , I write mine down as they come to me so I remember to ask them .
There are people on here who will be able to give you more relevant advice to your situation and have a look at the information on here regarding your particular type of cancer , it’s always really clear and helpful info .
Your mental health is as important as your physical health for recovery so try if you can to do things that would normally help your anxiety and worries . Am not sure what your usual coping mechanisms are but I find mindfulness and relaxation helps me when I can’t get out for exercise .

Let us know how you are getting on , take care best wishes Lottie


Oh @Lopsided I am so glad that you have found us.
@DottieB has given you a brilliant response and I agree perhaps do not underestimate the emotional, psychological and practical impact on yourself, especially as everything seems to have happened so quickly for you.
I reckon it is very natural to feel shocked and scared, I certainly did, plus isolated and very lonely. I was diagnosed 21 yrs ago and I came straight home and wrote my will and funeral
Please don’t worry I find medical terminology another language and I ask for everything to be put in language I can understand.
I attach the details from the Blood Cancer UK website on Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) for you.
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) - what it is, symptoms, tests, treatment, prognosis and support. | Blood Cancer UK
The Blood Cancer UK support line is also there for you on 0808 2080 888
Perhaps just give yourself time and be very kind to yourself, no questions to you main nurse or medical team are off limits.
Please do keep posting as I look forward to hearing more about you. You are now part of our forum family


Thank you @Erica and @DottieB for the kind words a support. Its alot to process but when i seen here i thought this would be a good space for me to speak my mind and its proven to be exactly that.

Hearing @Erica you say 21 years ago has made me feel a little bit better as the time scale sacres me. I feel life has taken a good turn for me last year and then the start of the year to get diagnosed with this has made me scared as i want to ahave this life.

The team in my ward are very sweet and hands on to my needs. They are aware aswell that i have severe struggles with mental health and a mental health worker has seen me to make sure im ok and on hands if needed im the future while im here.

The drs have been so open amd answer anything i need and anything my partner thinks of when im a little dazed by all the info.

Thank you to you both for responding :blush:


Hi lopsided. KEEP POSTING.
THIS FORUM OFFERS EXCELLENT SUPPORT, ESPECIALLY ERICA. As for myself I found my day of diagnosis the low point. Then I found this forum, that was the turning point. That was two years ago. My symptoms started three years ago. I am quite well at the moment. Keep posting you will always get a supportive response.
Best wishes unclejack.


Ah that’s brilliant @Lopsided , am glad you have mental health support as well as a good team on the ward
As @Unclejack and @Erica have both said keep posting as there are some great people on here who are so supportive
Take care


Heya @Lopsided

Sorry to see this post and I can totally empathise with the feelings of shock and fear etc.

I am glad that you have found this forum. As others have identified, it is an extremely supportive and safe space.

I have a thread on here as my daughter was diagnosed with Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in 2023. She is now in remission (and back at Uni completing her final year.)

Everyone will have a different cancer story. I found taking each day (sometimes hour!) to help. I appreciate that is easier said than done some days.

Take all support offered and perhaps write questions down as you think of them.

Do keep posting on here when you can.

Sending positive thoughts



@Lopsided Don’t really know what to say but wanted to send you a virtual hug if you’d like one. Like others have said, this is a wonderful forum. Best wishes to you. We are all here for you xx


Oh @Lopsided how wonderful that your team are so supportive, your drs are open and a mental health worker has seen you and is on hand.
If you feel dazed by all the info, I often do too, you cab always ask for clarification in a language you can understand. I just write all my fears, questions and practicalities down.
Everyone is there for you but really look after yourself and keep posting