Covid vaccine question - Housebound

These messages will be in several parts

I received this as 2 text messages addressed to both my mum & I
Dear (name),
You are eligible to receive a COVID vaccine during the Spring campaign which starts from 22nd April 2024 for housebound patients only. If you are interested in receiving this booster, please reply to this message with Yes. Otherwise, to decline, reply No. Please reply within the next 7 days. If you reply Yes, one of our coordinators will be in touch to organise a home visit. Please do not ring reception as this is not organised by them.

My medical centre"

I can’t reply to this message it does not give me option to

It certainly appears from my local surgery as previous messages they have sent me appear in text trail

I ring my surgery who said they will chase up, I ring nhs helpline say ring my local surgery which I had done

Normally you would think scam, so if a scam they have hacked into my surgery texting service yet have not told me to follow a link infact I cannot reply at all so a scam is not likely :thinking: :expressionless:

How long do I wait for surgery to reply
What do I do next
Has anyone experienced similar?

@BloodCancerUK-SupportTeam @LauranBloodCancerUK @Erica @BloodCancerUK

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Hi @anon06 I always think a good week to wait for a response is reasonable
Then I think it is contacting the Practice Manager
Then ask for a copy of the surgeries complaints procedure.
If not resolved then it is your local Healthwatch.
No, I cannot say a word against my surgery

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I had another text this time with a link to click on and reply to, originally the link wasn’t included in error

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Is it worth waiting 21 days after vaccine before I get antibody test (pay for it), @Erica

Hi @anon06 if you have questions please tag @BloodCancerUK-SupportTeam. We’d really encourage you to speak to your healthcare team about your questions around antibody tests and vaccines. We have some information around antibody tests, within this blog -
Should people with blood cancer get an antibody test? | Blood Cancer UK, but we’d encourage you to speak to your GP or another member of your healthcare team so you get the right information for your individual circumstances.

If you’re concerned you received a scam text, we’d really encourage you to contact your GP surgery and clarify this with them.

Please feel free to get in touch with us on 0808 2080 888 or if there’s anything you would like to talk through with us here on the support team.


Thanks but I never received a scam someone had forgot to put the link the text to reply to.