I have been on a high dose of dexamethasone for Multiple Myeloma for over a year, and have previously had dex as part of various earlier stages of treatment. I have recently been diagnosed with steroid-induced diabetes which came as a big shock to me. Has anyone else experienced a diabetes diagnosis during treatment with dexamethasone?
It puzzles me that I was never given a baseline blood-sugar test before starting on the regular dex. Also, although can see now that it is mentioned in, for example, the Myeloma UK Dexamethasone Treatment Guide, I don’t remember ever having my attention drawn to this. https://www.myeloma.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Myeloma-UK-Dexamethasone-Treatment-Guide.pdf
Dexamethasone does of course play a vital role in treatment for myeloma so I’m not writing this to put anyone off, but would just be interested to know if anyone else has found themselves in a similar situation.