Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) diagnosed 5 years. Now waiting for annual blood test results but concerned about the fact my iron levels have been low for several months. Worried that I may now have Myeloma.
Hi @Janice78 I am so glad that you have found us, welcome.
We cannot give a medical diagnosis, that has to be done by your medical team who have your whole medical history.
So you are stuck with your thoughts and emotions around waiting for your annual blood tests results and subsequent medical appointment.
Those are the feelings that I expect many of us can relate to, I certainly can.
I have found that I have done a lot of waiting around and not knowing and my thoughts and emotions take off in all directions with the ‘what if’s’ etc and always going to the negatives.
The Blood Cancer Support line is there for you on 0808 2080 888 and so are we here to support you.
Try, and I know this is not easy, to divert your mind.
A friend of mine is going to to a zig saw and I am a fresh air walker, the ideal occupation for a nosey person, I love my music and I am a Pilates girl.
I do hope you do not have to wait long and please do keep posting.
I look forward to hearing more about you, be kind to and really look after yourself
Thank you so much for your quick reply. You are so right I too go immediately to the negatives. Hopefully I will have more answers in the coming week. I have been given a place on a Mindfullness course by the King’s Foundation at Dumfries House in Ayrshire beginning on Wednesday in the hope it will help my anxiety.
Hi there
It’s good to see that your are being monitored
Overall bloods will be important and any changes monitored.
Mindfullness has helped me a lot. I have been practising it for 8 years.
It is a practice a bit like exercise the more you do it the more you help yourself.
It’s one of the best gifts I gave to myself
Oh @Janice78 I am so impressed that you have got a place on a Mindfulness course.
It has helped me in the past.
Looking for help and willingness to try the course are such a good start.
Please do let us know how you get on and be very kind to yourself