I recently had an appointment with a heart specialist to feed back on a 7 day cardio monitor results. I had atrial fibrillation two weeks after having Covid (exactly two years ago). It has gradually lessened over time is now more mild and they have agreed that I can come off the heart medication because it was possibly upsetting my chemo.
The interesting part of the conversation with the consultant was that he told me that Covid tests ( those ones we get sent from the Government) are not so good at spotting Covid with the latest variants.
He told me that should I be in contact with anyone who thinks or knows that they have Covid and are unwell and I then feel unwell that I am advised to speak with my GP. The GP may well organise neutralising monoclonal antibodies despite not having a positive Covid test result.
He also said that Covid is a bit more likely to give me atrial fibrillation again if I get it.
Covid was about amongst my friends and neighbours around the New Year and a couple of people who worked with vulnerable children tested for 3 or 4 days before they got a positive result. Luckily it seems now to have passed and I know of no new cases but there are some people in our local hospital with it.
I would not want to worry any of you because it seems far less prevalent now but knowledge is power as they say. Most of my friends were poorly for a short time but one or two felt very poorly and were ill for a week at least.
Hi @GrandmaJo great to hear from you.
I will copy your post to the Blood Cancer UK nurses to see if they have heard anything about the efficacy of the current Covid testing kits from applicable pharmacists.
Also what the current NHS guidelines for prescribing antibodies without a positive test
Lastly if they have heard anymore about a proposed spring 2024 vaccination programme.
Take lots of special care of yourself and thanks so much for caring about us all to post this xx
Hi @GrandmaJo ,
I’m so pleased your AF has improved and of course hope you stay well and clear of future covid episodes.
We have not received any new guidance nor are we aware of any evidence around to suggest a pathway for accessing covid treatment without a positive test. Of course should this change we will update our covid webpage.
Our policy team have been able to confirm that a review around covid test efficacy was carried out in September last year, when a new variant of concern emerged. At this time UKHSA said that there was no change in test sensitivity for the new variant: ‘The UKHSA technical briefing also includes initial findings of tests performed in the UKHSA laboratory at Porton Down to examine the effectiveness of lateral flow devices (LFDs) in detecting BA.2.86, which found no reduction in sensitivity compared to previous variants’- COVID-19 variants identified in the UK – latest updates - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
I do hope that has reassured you somewhat
Best Wishes, Lauran
I caught covid last week which incidentally was the first time I’d been flu like for about 3 years…
Have to say as soon I tested positive that I was really well looked after , I rang 111 for advice, had to spend a day in A&E for observation as I was coughing up a bit of blood. Was constantly asked why I’d come
In just for testing positive that I had blood cancer and needed checking before any discussion on antivirals which was annoying but after chest xray, blood tests, and an ecg… everything was fine so next day contacted 111 to report who once happy there was nothing sinister going on sorted me out to have antivirals the next day (supposably day 4 or 5)
Again, feel really fortunate to have an excellent healthcare around me, as I know accessing these things or anything is a challenge and a postcode lottery which it shouldn’t be.
Still struggling to shake the sore throat and husky voice but definitely on the mend I think.
Was a gentle reminder that I’m extremely clinically vulnerable!
Oh poor you @Rammie18 and @GrandmaJo for catching that nasty illness. Thought I saw that you were recently poorly, Rammie, and hoped it was ‘just’ RSV or a cold. COVID-19 still terrifies me. I suppose it eventually comes for the best of us and I’m so glad you both got treatments and are on the mend. Glad you don’t need that heart medication, @GrandmaJo.
Thank goodness all those vaccinations help take the edge off the worst of COVID-19. Pity you were questioned about why you went to hospital though, dear me. Get well soon!
Oh, @Rammie18 I am so sorry to hear that you have contracted Covid after all this time and care you have taken with your job and working from home.
Really look after and be very kind to yourself
Any health hit I take now I just put it down to “one of those things”
Thankfully I’m getting much better at deciding what’s feels ok and what doesn’t feel ok and acting on those that don’t quickly
Ha right?! It’s like oh this random new ailment is not as bad as blood cancer so whatever!!! Or at least in my more blasé moments it can be like that. I developed athlete’s foot for the first time recently and don’t even care
Glad you’re finding ways to reframe some of this, dear Rammie. Hopefully that COVID-19 will fade soon and you won’t be left with any side effects.
Hi @Rammie18 and @Duncan
I did have a little chuckle at your post @Duncan and I really agree with you, I have just had a couple of new diagnosis and I was pondering whether I was in denial or not, but blasé is the right word.
Oh @Rammie18 I do like a good reframe, it really helps the way that I think and approach things,
Sending you both hugs xxxx
It’s a little sad that we gauge our wellness on a scale of how it compares to cancer, but I suppose that’s better than catastrophising about the littlest things. Not that that’s inherently bad—I imagine many of us caught our cancers from noticing weird, otherwise insignificant symptoms, after all. But I’m finding it’s the emotional side of all this that wipes me out most and so finding ways to minimise relatively mild health issues can help to stop anxiety taking over for me.
I hope your new diagnoses aren’t serious, dear Erica. Or at least you find them tolerable in a blasé way!
I am so pleased if the Covid tests are still effective. That is good to know. I wonder why the cardiologist thought that?