Good news

Just wanted to share my good news. Today my haematologist called to say I’m normal, well my blood results anyway. So after starting Peginterferon in November, and 4 weekly checks/ dose increases, today all my bloods are within range. Platelets started at 860 and now 395 with normal kidney & liver function too.

I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to you all for your support. Finding the forum and chatting with you all, has really been a lifeline for me.

Never doubt the importance of replying, just a few words or advice makes all the difference. I’ve taken your advice to appointments and it was with help from the forum, that I chose the Peginterferon.

I’ve received such great support, I am truly thankful xx

Let’s all do something we love, however small.

Lynda x


Brilliant to hear and glad it’s going well and your platelet count is looking impressive.

Always great to hear positive experiences from a treatment course! No doubt it will help someone in the same situation as you were in reading it! :slight_smile:


Awwhhh, thank you @Rammie18. You reached out at the start of my journey, so grateful for all your help and support. Still can’t believe I am actually talking to my team’s mascot.

Hope you are doing well too xx


Oh @Lynd that is brilliant news and thanks so much for letting us know.
You are still a valued part of our forum family so please do keep posting how you are and what you are doing.
Now live the life you love and love the life you live.


Oh @Lynd, I was just replying to our other comments!

Wow this is all such excellent news, you’ve made my day for a second time! I’m so chuffed you’ve got your blood cell numbers down into their normal ranges, and relatively quickly too. Clearly the interferon suits your body and your doctors have picked great treatments.

I second @Rammie18, I bet your good news will help others around the forum now and in the future. Perhaps try to hold onto this lovely moment and let it sink in and allow yourself a sense of relief. Congratulations! And yay science!


Hi @Erica,

Thank you for your lovely message and for also being there at the start of my journey xx

You’re so kind and thoughtful. I love to see your name pop up in the feed.

Lynda x



Yesterday, I was feeling quite low, one of those day we must forgive ourselves for. What a difference a day makes. Your messages yesterday, lifted my spirits, thank you so much for your support and encouragement.

I really don’t think you all realise how amazing you are.

FYI - I’ve had cake :yum:

Lynd x


Sorry to read that @Lynd, sometimes it really is a matter of getting through those rubbish days to see what the next one brings. Next time you’re having one of those days you can think back to now with all your efforts paying off and hopefully that’ll help.

Couldn’t have asked for a better result for you! Well, magically removing the Polycythaemia vera (PV) and its gene mutations overall would be preferable, but we can live in hope, right?!


We sure can @Duncan.

I keep hearing there’s new things coming for MPNs. I’ll be sure to share anything I can from the Nottingham meeting next month :blush:

Eeeeek, still a little mix of excitement & nerves for this.

Thanks again,for always being there xx



I’ll hopefully see you there :+1:t4:


That would be amazing. I can thank you personally. I’ve bkd for Polycythaemia vera (PV) break out room too. I doubt I’d recognise you wothout your rams head, but hopefully we’ll meet :crossed_fingers::blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Unfortunately my rammie days have gone (blame lampard) and now my head comfortably fits through most doors!

It was your post that directed me to the session, so thank you for posting it and I also requested to be in the breakout room so just look out for a tall dark and handsome man :wink:

Though if I’m allowed to I’ll bring my bcuk lanyard. Be great to meet to swap experiences, in all my 4 years… don’t think I’ve met physically a fellow Polycythaemia vera (PV) patient :open_mouth:


Would be a first for me too. I’ll be sure to look out for BCUK lanyard :blush: My friend is coming with me, so look out for 2 people looking lost and laughing about it :joy: It would be great to meet you x


Looking forward to it too :slight_smile:


That’s great news @Lynd


Hello, Lynd! What wonderful news! I am quite new here and I know that - like me - many people find the forum at the start of their blood cancer journey, when they are so worried and it can easily seem as if everything that lies ahead is unknown but at the same time panic-inducing and negative, so for them to find a post like yours will give enormous hope. Wishing you all the very best!


Hi @JanetF,

I’m so glad you’ve found the forum. As you’ll have discovered, there are some truly special people, on here supporting.

Thank you for your lovely reply. I hope all goes well for you. The forum is here for the good days and, not so good days. The Specialist Nursing Team too.

Keep us posted Janet.

Lynd x


Thank you @2DB :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I hope all is well for you too.


That’s fantastic news, I’m absolutely thrilled for you to hear your blood results are all within normal range.

I also completely understand how much this forum has helped you. Sharing experiences and getting support from others who understand what you’re going through can be such a lifeline. It’s amazing to hear you felt supported to take advice to appointments and that the forum helped you choose Peginterferon.

This is a wonderful example of how this community can truly make a difference. Thank you for sharing your success story, it’s incredibly inspiring!

Here’s to celebrating your good health and all of us continuing to do the things we love.

Wishing you all the best.


Thank you @Jules,

This forum and the special people on here, do make such a difference.
