Good News for Platelet Count 🥳

I have just got back from the hospital after seeing my haematologist. For the first time since I was diagnosed with ET last year, my blood platelets have come down. The haematologist was going to start me on Anagrelide today, but due to my improved platelet count he has decided to hold back. It was a win win situation for me today, so I am very pleased. :partying_face::partying_face:


Oh @Chris1 great news for you and I do not think that you can beat a win win situation.
I think a celebration is in order, look after yourself.

Definitely. :bike: I will celebrate with a cycle ride, :bike::bike: as it is since I have been exercising every day and got my blood pressure down that my platelets have come down too. The haematologist thinks that is the reason, but he can’t prove it medically. I am hoping that my improvement will encourage others who are dealing with rising platelet counts. :bike::bike:


Great News Chris. I’m really pleased for you.

Continue to think positively and look after yourself.


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Thanks @NickB .I will.

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Hello @Chris1. Thank you for sharing your good news! Warm wishes, Willow X

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brilliant news @Chris1! Thank you for sharing with us :slight_smile:


Brilliant news, @Chris1!

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:+1:. Yes I am so very pleased. . How are you feeling @Willow ? :tulip:

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Thanks @Alice_BloodCancerUK :tulip:

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Yes it is, and I am so pleased. Hope you are doing ok? :tulip:


I’m great thanks, @Chris1. All the better for hearing your good news! Hope you have a bit of a celebration. :partying_face:

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Glad to hear that you are doing ok. @Fullofbeans . I had a celebration cycle ride today, all through the country lanes. Saw lots of wildlife. I managed to get out after the rain stopped, but I had to wait until after midday. I thought it was never going to stop!! My bike got very dirty as the puddles were quite deep in places. :bike::bike:


@Chris1 I also got out, but for a walk, when the rain stopped.
Yes, it was a bit puddly, but the sun also came out and the wildlife and it was glorious.
Enjoy your cycle rides.

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Thanks @Erica I will, and you continue to enjoy your walks too. It is so nice to get out and watch all the wildlife and listen to the birds singing. They were particularly vocal today. I expect they were happy the rain had stopped. I know I was. :smile:


Evening @Chris1
I am soooo pleased to hear that positive news . Long may it continue:)


Sounds great, @Chris1! The weather’s been rotten here too. Well done for getting out when you did. I’d love to cycle, but my house is surrounded by steep hills - I’d be exhausted within 20 mins! I should get an e-bike and cheat that bit. :grin: Great that you cycle - it must be keeping you really fit and in the best shape for keeping your blood condition under control. And wonderful for your mood too. Great stuff! :man_mountain_biking:


Thanks @Jules . Hope you are well too. Take care. :tulip:

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Hi @Fullofbeans . My bike is an electric bike. I only got it recently, as I was finding my ordinary bike too hard for me on the hills. Like you, we have lots of hills around us, and I could only manage the cycle track which is flat, on my old bike. It was quite restricting, so I took the plunge and got an electric bike. Now I can go anywhere without worrying about the hills. I now feel like I have got my freedom back without the hindrance of health restrictions holding me back. I would recommend an electric bike to anyone. I can ride it without any knee, hip or spinal pain, and the riding is obviously good for my blood pressure and platelet count. I am still peddling all the time, so getting the exercise I need, but without any pressure on my joints. :smile::bike:


Oh that’s fantastic, @Chris1 - it must be doing you tonnes of good. Everyone I know who’s got one, raves about them. Me and my husband have been debating it, but we may have to get one for our teenage son first, as he has a busy life and we’re his 24/7 taxi service. But at least I could have the occasional go then - I do really fancy the idea. To healthy cycling fun! :biking_man::biking_woman::man_biking::person_cartwheeling: