Hello all
Its been a while since i been on ive nit been having a great time then my phone decided to misbehave and i could t find the app to get back on here… my daft brain didnt think until today to go on through the internet… i hope youve all been well… ive been up and down trying to keep my spirits up though… on the bright side ive finally spoken to the pain clinic and she is wanting to take me off one med and add in another which will do the job of that med and act as a pain relief aswell i just need my doctor to do health check and say in not mental to make the change … if he doesnt its back to the drawing board… i am now slowly gathering the direct line numbers for each department in the hospital
… been all fun here with littlun as usual and the lovely dave has worked wonders on our garden still loads to do though… wet weather is causing issues in more ways than 1…
Im still my disasterous self causong cjaos wherever i go my latest one was telling the pharmasist i didnt have meds and theyd given me the ones i already had only to find out when i got home i had the meds and the ones id left at th pharmacy i should of collected …
They had even called the pharmacist i had been dealing with on his day off as i was adamant i didnt have them all in all id managed to confuse 5 people working in the pharmacy my mother as i was talking to her at the time and myself… good day all round and i still need to go back and collect meds
What have you all been up to ? We’ve been at a christening today… so much fun would of been better if my pain levels had been lower but thats life… i love yo hear how youre all doing especially @Erica & @Nichola75 as its been a while
Happy Sunday