Hi there - Update

Hi there, Things have got from bad to worse at work. Ive had to put in a complaint about my colleague on the other shift for bullying and harassment. During work, I had a massive panic attack on Sunday as the temporary colleague was shouting at the top of her voice when I was trying to get the paperwork done. Everything just got on top of me. Ive been signed off for two weeks by my GP. My own supervisor phoned me this morning . Whilst we did not mention the complaint she said it will be dealt with at a high level. Dont think I will ever get to my dream role as a DCO to help the residents of the centre. Its just so volatile in the shop. I like to get things done. Its a small shop and my colleague was saying she was doing everything and without using the term - say I was lazy which indeed I am not. Yes I am glad I have a wee break and at the end of the two weeks, I am off to Turkey, so in reality I wont be back at work till mid September. All I want is mediation to sort out the issues. I work hard, sometimes too hard, even with my TLGL diagnosis. The other person on the shift complains that I dont do things whereas I know we do. There was a major issue with the invoice last week which I resolved quickly and was down to a data input error. She emails the the director directly, bypass the chain of command over these stupid things. Im just so fed up with it. The complaint is going via my Union. Stress does not help our conditions. My bloods are all great at the moment and I want them to stay the same. Im 48 years old , not a child and dont expect to be shouted at. Thanks for allowing me to post on here - It does help a lot. Love you all. Joe xxx


Hi @Jbeaver12 I am so sorry to hear about your issues at work.
I am so glad that you are off to Turkey till mid September, enjoy your break and then please update us on your return.
I am also so glad that your bloods are good, your health and welfare comes first.
Be kind to yourself

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Hi @Jbeaver12.
Work sounds really tough at the moment and I think it will help to have a break and a well deserved holiday.
I hope the union work with you to sort things out.
Please keep us updated on how you are doing :blush:

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Enjoy your break. A change is as good as a rest as they say , so both the rest and change of scenery will do you a world of good.
I always find being away from a situation helps me to reflect and gather my thoughts and think about how I want to tackle a situation. I would go away enjoy your holiday and come back relaxed and refreshed.
I hope you enjoy your holiday.


Hi @Jbeaver12, thank you for sharing this. It sounds as though it’s been a really tough time at work- we’re so sorry to hear what you’ve been through. I appreciate you saying you’ve contacted your Union. I wondered whether you’ve ever been in contact with the organisation Acas? Apologies if this has been mentioned already, but they have a helpline and offer support and advice on work-related issues (they have a section on their website about mediation, too). Here is their contact page in case that’s useful at all- Contact us | Acas.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you’d like to talk anything through. Take care,
Best wishes,