Hello i would like any advice regarding high platlets
Ive suffered since 2016 use to go to heamatology with high platelet count and use to attend every 2 weeks for check ups i was eventually signed of in 2019 and they wrote to gp asking to keep an eye on me with mild thrombocythemia
Which they have never done its always been me that requests bloods as i suffer with anemia on off since 2012
Im concerned at the moment as my ferritin levels have been abnormal for a year now they were 3 last jan and the gp requested investigations for endoscopy and colonoscopy
I had biopsies which came back benign
Also had a lesion on my face NASBOLIAL FOLD
since nov 2021 which i was referred to skin cancer pathway eventually had a biopsy jan 2024 came back benign
Ive felt so low for the last few years
I suffer with menorrhagia which i know can contribute to low ferritin levels but had hystercopy recently and biopsy and all ok
Im very upset with my gp surgery as my platlets have been elvevated or classed as abnormal since 2021 or even further back to when i got signed of from heamatology
Theyve never reffered me back to heamatology
For further investigations
Ive had conversation with gp a year ago regarding heamatology and basically the conversation was dismissed
My recent blood work shows abnormal heamatology results 580 they were showing abnormal in may 2024 but no gp got in touch about it
Ive requested my health file
Abnormal ferritin for the last year
Was 3 in Jan 2024- 14 April 2024
Was given iron tablets for 6 months but no check from gp for further investigations regarding ferritn levels
Ive requested bloods in dec 2024 as felt weak again and they came back on 7th dec as 6 and platlets abnormal
I didnt speak with gp til the 24th dec which i asked about iron infusion so he requested new bloods to be done full blood count
I couldnt get in for bloods til the 15th Jan for this which seemed ridiculous when been so poorly, when i booked the the bloods i mentioned the ferritin levels to be checked along fblood count they reassured me they would be but when i attened that appointment i mentioned it to the nurse doing bloods and she said was being done but the day after rang for results and hadnt been done so took 5 days for them to speak with gp and get them done again.
They came back abnormal and it was highlighted on my results in red under heamatology
But when talked about this in a face to face appointment they hadnt reffered me back to heamatology she said it was a mistake
Now that mistake i could of just thought they had reffered me back already and not questioned anything further and been waiting and waiting
But when rang about results they said gp will speak to you about results on 4th feb
Now ive been waiting since 7th dec them knowing my results are abnormal to me asking for iron infusion when that referral could of already been actioned by gp
Ive requested all my health file recently but rang for my ferritn levels/ iron and platlets count since 2019
When asked for them they sent across a very short list with only jan 2025 abnormal results
So i ring the Surgery and they try telling me they are the only results ive had, i know its wrong because i have paper file with my results
I have raised my concerns with them now i am not happy and feel neglected
Im worried something else is going on in my body
I managed to get an appointment with a different gp because i threatened legal so they got me in last week
When ive asked about my platlet count being abnormal and low ferritn her answer was my periods causing it but ive not had it in writing from gynecologist to say that it is
She was reluctant to hear me out at first and said my platlets are fine and basically didnt need referreing back and not to worry
I have said even tho some platlet disorders dont need medication how does a gp know 5 years later that constantly elevated or abnormal platlets wont need mointoring incase they progress into something else
Im 40 now and i worry if anything going on in my body.
I may have been denied preventable medication for years because they havent reffered me back sooner or given a drug to lower my platlets so my ferritn can fix itself and my body not attacking itself
I mentioned the iron infusion and the gp said that Rochdale were rejecting so many cases so it might be rejected and that heamatology might be a avisory and guidance referral instead
I really do feel ive been neglected and im getting weaker and they arent doing anything
Theres a history of high platelets in my family to but ive had rmthe jak2 and calr test in 2016 all ok
Any advice regarding my matter would be kindly appreciated