Wondering if I can get some advice as I’m worried my platlet blood results are being brushed under the carpet by my drs.my platlet count has been over 475 more recently rising to 585 then 606 then down again to 525. I have been running to the doctor the past 3 years with symptoms of feeling generally unwell with chest, like I always have a chest infection, exhausted and sweating daily/nights. My question is have any of your lovely people that have been diagnosed has your platelets count ever risen and fallen? Or did they always continue to rise? I’m convinced something is going on that is making me feel unwell, other symptoms I have but didn’t attend the doctor with is migraines, aura without headache, light head and yellow bruising appearing out of no where.
Hello @Melmc and welcome to this forum. I know it takes courage to share your story so I am pleased you decided to do so. I had a high platelet count when I was diagnosed and it did fluctuate from time to time. I was also experiencing migraine type headaches with visual disturbances on occasions. I would encourage you to tell your doctor about all your symptoms so that they have the full picture. I am sorry you have these concerns as uncertainty is hard to deal with but maybe you could take someone with you for moral support if it would help you. I would certainly ask if you could be referred to a haematologist. Thinking of you. Warm wishes Willow x
Thank you for your reply Willow, I feel this is all making me feel like it’s my mental health I work full time and have a teenager and 10 year old so I driving them about after work to various sports/music so I never stop or try to let how I’m feeling physically to stop me but it’s really difficult. I rang the Dr today and the receptionist told me my bloods where Normal when I asked what platlet count was she said 525 which obviously isn’t normal
I’m going to ring tomorrow to see if I can get an appointment with Dr to chat things thru.
Hi @Melmc a great big welcome to our forum. @Willow has given you a brilliant response. I am glad in your second post that you are going to make an appointment to see your doctor.
Yes, my platelets do fluctuate.
I think I would feel exhausted with your teenager and 10yr old.
A handy hint is to write down all your symptoms and their severity, any medications you might be on, yours and your families medical histories, blood test results etc so you cover everything in your appointment and if you are not satisfied either ask for a second opinion.
If you would like to talk to someone the Blood Cancer UK support line is there for you on 0808 2080 888
Please let us know how you get on and be kind to yourself.
Hi @Melmc, thank you for taking the time to share what you’re going through with us. It sounds as thought it’s been an understandably stressful time for you, and it must be tough coping with those symptoms whilst taking care of your children and life in general. I think your plan to talk things through with a doctor is a great idea, and please don’t hesitate to persist for answers - for example, if they’re not worried about your levels, you may wish to nudge them as to ‘why’, and the suggestions from Erica and Willow are great.
Please do give us a call or drop us an email if you need a bit of support or would like to talk things over. We are here for you. (0808 2080 888 or support@bloodcancer.org.uk).
Best wishes,
Hi thanks for all the comments, I was down with the doctor today, my platelets have been steady these past two times at 539, she’s referring me back to hematology now so hopefully see them soon. She did say that this could just be my normal level for me as everyone is different?
Dear @Melmc
Glad to to hear that you’ve seen your GP and that there is a referral in process. Whilst the GP is right to say everyone is different, it is important for you to know that the Haematologists have seen your blood counts and listened to your symptoms.
Please do let us know how you get on and we are here if you need.
Kind regards