Lack of clarity after blood tests

Hi have rising Whte cells and Lymphocytes , this Lymphocytosis began about 4-5 years ago. Have no swollen lymph nodes nor night sweats . My first haematologist checked all cells , I moved docs and am not sure they are doing the same thorough ‘work up’ . The numbers are probably double where they were originally . I know this s all a problem but there seems no indication f which blood cancer I am developing so far . My heads going round and round it’s not good for me or my wife .
Do you or don’t you want to pin it down ?

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Hi @Springtiger,
Thank you for reaching out to us. Your situation does sound extremely frustrating so I’m pleased you have found us for support. Should you feel it easier to talk things through, please don’t hesitate to contact our support line- 0808 2080 888.

We know that there can be many different reasons as to why a person’s white cell count will be raised but it is important to understand the why’s, particularly if an abnormal increase in levels is seen.
You mentioned you have moved GP practice recently. Can I ask if they have taken your bloods or planned to monitor your bloods moving forward at all?
It’s reassuring to know that you are not currently suffering with any symptoms. I have linked here to our information around symptoms so you have a good understanding of what to look out for but also it holds some questions you may wish to ask your GP on their next steps or investigations in order rule out a blood cancer- Blood cancer symptoms and signs | Blood Cancer UK.
Again please do know that we are very much here for you in any capacity we can be.

Take good care, Lauran ( support service nurse)

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Hi Lauren
Thanks for the reply and link . I definitely have raised white cell and Lymphocyte levels , I may be able to get the current figures I believe one may be 13 and the other 16 ? I understand a tha the sub sampling of neutrophils or T cells and B cells may indicate what is happening ? sorry to be vague . The original heamatology letter said I had Monoclonal B cell lymphocytosis at the time of the first full blood count and sub figures like protein etc .i also hands could of small skin cancers removed too. If none ifthis is accurate enough let me know and I will follow your advice . Thanks again
Regards Richard

Hi @Springtiger a great big welcome to our forum and @LauranBloodCancerUK has given you a great response.
From what you say all this concern started about 4 - 5 yrs ago, that is a long time of worrying and confusion for you with your head going round and round, and as you say it is not good for you or your wife.
I am a great one for writing all my direct questions down before an appointment and being pleasantly assertive and ensuring I pin the medical person down and I get the answers I need.
Really look after and be kind to yourselves and please do keep posting

Thanks Erica , will do but maybe after Xmas , not a good time to ask before I think!!
Regards Richard

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Hi @Springtiger

Like you I have raising counts. Since 2014
I cant see futher back, but my bloods shows “abnormal” cbc going back to 2005. Just cant see the numbers.
Ive not been sent to heam yet. My count is 5.2 last I knew in August.
I donno what I have as no heam has diagnosed me yet.
I can understand worry and how bad that is especially this time of year. I have had my worst night tonight constantly thinking.

Enjoy xmas :slight_smile: then see your gp in the new year to discuss. Thats my plan too.

All the best. Xx

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Hi Txurnino
Thanks for your support it looks like yours is a much slower increase but it’s worrying all the same isn’t it ?
We’ll see what he new year brings hopefully nothing untoward . Have a great Xmas

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Yes, @Txurnino and @Springtiger I always get more anxious when I am more run down.
I personally think it is natural to have good and bad days. If I did not have bad days I would not appreciate the good days.
This time of year always brings up a multitude of thoughts and feelings for me too.
I also like a plan, it might even be that I decide to do nothing .
Yes, enjoy Xmas you two and we are about if you need us over the holiday period and so is the Blood Cancer UK support line (opening hours apply) on 0808 2080 888

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