Sadly I agreed with the lockdown and I was relieved that it was announced, things are out of control and have been for too long.
It’s the last thing we wanted but the objective is clear. Health and safety comes first. Stay Safe Everyone and lets build a better future.
I agree. I have continued shielding apart from a walk and in recent weeks even abandoned that to stay in as much as possible. I attended hospital for my blood test just before New Year, earlier than I should as I’d seen the infection rate rising and felt it could be riskier next week when it is due. The figures being released locally confirm I was right to do so. The reason for my caution in recent weeks is that the population seems to have forgotten there is a pandemic and fail to distance adequately for my comfort. Let’s hope this lockdown and a return to the original slogan reminds people that this is affecting everyone.
Stay safe
Yes, I agree that the lockdown was needed.
I have been shielding anyway.
We will support each other through the lockdown and beyond on this forum.
What do others think and how will you be affected.
I agree a lot of valid points made. With Lockdown The Message is clear = serious , no room for interpretation. In reply to “The population seems to have forgot there is a pandemic”, with this in mind this is the clearest reminder to some people. It’s not easy for some people, I respect that. PERHAPS THE MESSAGE THIS THING KILLS will remind them.
Perhaps having a lockdown will mean that the message is crystal clear. We await.
What do others feel about the lockdown?
I completely agree with the lockdown too and was expecting the announcement at some point this week. So, I have been a bit surprised with myself as have been actually crying today as just feeling tired and sad… I wish it was snowing (loving snow) and that would brightening up my shielding days ahead.
Take care all and stay safe!
Hi @MoMo, my emotions have also been all over the place and I know just how you feel.
Apparently, usually quite a lot of people get the January Blues and I also want to duvet dive but I have always put that down to the fact I think I was meant to hibernate.
Yes, if you have not got to go out I agree snow can look so pretty, it all those flakes.
We will support each other through lockdown and beyond.
To acknowledge all emotions its not gr8 for Morale, yet it is necessary. “Covid Independence Day” 4th July 2020 was great for morale (yes at R raiting 0.9 bye the way), then look what happened next! Such a relief the Christmas plan was changed, not that the revised plan helped.
It’s important mistakes are learned from and I’m afraid lockdown is the only way. It’s “ok” for someone to say "its my life, my risk, " but that attitude puts others at risk especially vulnerable groups. Lockdown nulifies that attitude.
Personally I would make things stricter! D I C I P L I N E
Thank you for creating this thread @anon06. A really good space for people to share their feelings and thoughts around this 3rd national lockdown. It’s important to remember that, as worrying as things now seem, the roll-out of the vaccine means there is real hope in the coming weeks.
How’s everyone feeling today?
The roll out of the vaccine is fantastic and gives people hope to plan for the future, as the song goes “At the end of the storm there is a Golden Light” I also think the reappearance of The Star Of Bethlehem with regard to the planet alignment in the sky is significant.
You’ve started me singing here @anon06 !!!
Yes Carousel was a fantastic musical!
I just love this forum! The support we offer for each other and just to have a channel to vent is invaluable. I have always loved January and dark winter nights, cos I love sitting in candlelight But looks like it’s a wobbly January this time around. I can’t wait for my 2 week holiday starting on Monday! Might do the duvet dive
for a couple of days…
Hi has anyone received shielding letters from the government or their doctor. I have never been told to shield, but I do only go out if it’s absolutely necessary.
Hi a great big welcome @betty1957. I received a shielding letter in December but as all the way through some people received letters and others didn’t.
If you are concerned it is worth contacting someone on your medical team, perhaps your GP or CNS (Clinical Nurse Specialist) if you have one.
I believe we are in lockdown currently so I am shielding.
We are supporting each other as always through Covid and beyond on this forum. There are current gov and blood cancer guidelines on the Blood Cancer UK website and if you would like to speak to someone you can contact the Support Services Team on 0808 2080 888 (10am-7pm Monday-Friday, and 10am-1pm Saturday and Sunday) or via email at
The main thing is that you take care and stay safe.
Hi @MoMo, it’s your holiday time you do whatever you want, enjoy and spoil yourself.
Welcome to the forum @betty1957 how are you getting on? As Erica said, if you haven’t received any shielding letters but think you should be on the shielded patient list then we’d really encourage you to get in touch with a member of your clinical team to talk this through with them. It’s really important that people who are clinically extremely vulnerable are on this list so that they can be in the correct priority order for the vaccine. More info around who is clinically extremely vulnerable can be found here - We also have information on this page around shielding
How is everyone doing this week?
Hi Alice thank you for replying, I had my bloods done last week & everything is ok at the moment & I don’t require treatment. I was very disappointed by the hospital I attended for my bloods as nobody in the the department had a mask on, I certainly won’t be going back to that hospital.
Hi @betty1957, I am glad you managed to get your bloods done last week and that they were OK and you are still on watch and wait.
I am sorry to hear about your experiences at your hospital. I had hoped that hospitals had now got their act together.
I was quite impressed when I went to my hospital and I felt very cared for and safe.
Has anyone else had any experiences of going to their hospitals?
I have been to hospital recently for blood tests and pentamadine treatment. Both were in the cancer unit, few people there, all wearing masks and social distancing. I felt pretty safe.
Definitely agree with the lockdown. As a teacher I wish the government were clearer on schools, they keep changing the goalposts. As a special school we should be open for all pupils !!! - luckily our head is only allowing key worker children and vulnerable students in. The rest are doing online learning.