Lumps and bumps with MGUS

Hi, it is now almost two years since I first diagnosed with low risk igM monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS). Unbelievably, in the last couple weeks I have found three bumps which could be swollen glands or something else. Because they were found on different days I was actually seen by two different GPs. I am a little bemused. One GP is going to review the lump on my neck in a couple of weeks which seems sensible as it could go down. The other GP looked at the lumps in my arm pits and said she didnt know what they were and referred me to the breast clinic, which I also think reasonable given the location. I also contacted my Haematology team by email and the nurse kindly rang me back. She said that based on my last bloods (six months ago), that is was unlikely that these lumps are caused by monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS). I am interested to hear if anyone has had a similar experience.

Best wishes


Sorry I cannot help @helenfwallace and it seems as you have covered all basis, perhaps make sure that everyone knows what is going on with everyone else.
I hope others can help you.
Please do keep us posted with what is going on for you.
Look after and be kind to yourself xx

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Hello @helenfwallace
Thank you for posting.
I do hope others will be able to share their experiences with you for reassurance. It sounds like your GP (s) are proactive in both of their approaches, I’m sure you’ll have an answer soon.
A more recent set of blood tests would be helpful, you’ll probably have these taken in the Breast Clinic (along with infection marker blood tests). Do keep your Haematology team updated and let them know if you do have more blood tests taken.
Take care and keep us posted too. Kind regards, Heidi.

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Thank you @Heidi_BloodCancerUK and @Erica , much appreciated.



I have now got Shingles. I guess this is the most probable cause of the lumps and bumps.



Hi @helenfwallace here I am I have had reoccurring shingles since we downsized to our flat in 2013.
My (non medical) theory is that my shingles is brought on by stress or something else medical. I can get it anywhere on my body or face, luckily I have not had it near my eyes. The GP told me I was not contagious, but don’t take my word for it, do get it checked out.
Look after and be kind to yourself

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Hi @Erica,
That must be difficult living with repeated episodes of Shingles. Have you been vaccinated?

I can certainly verify that Shingles can be brought about by stress. I had it in my mid twenties when I was very overworked and stressed. The treatment then was rather horrendous, may be more painful than the actual shingles. Not sure what caused it this time though. I now have antivirals.

I was advised to avoid people who were immunosuppressed, pregnant and young children. However, I think the important thing is to observe the covid measures of handwashing and using hand sanitiser, keep the rash covered and not to scratch.

Best wishes


Hi @helenfwallace thanks, yes, I have had the non live Shingrix 2 stage vaccine and it has not made any difference.
I find the itchiness is there, but I don’t really itch it.
I don’t get it badly now, it is more under the skin and comes out as pin prick scabs.
Yes, Covid has taught me better sanitising and personal sanitising.
Thanks for caring and really look after yourself too