Multiple swollen lymph nodes -9 weeks and counting


Ive had swollen lymph nodes for 9 weeks or so now and doesnt seem to be going. Ive had 3 blood tests which showed high MCHC and haemoglobin but no infection or inflammation. Also done the glandular fever blood test twice which was negative.

Ive had a ultrasound and biopsy but on my parotid gland which had a huge lump. The biopsy came back negative. I am on the 2 week cancer pathway and have a swallow test booked in.

If my gland biopsy was benign… do i need to worry? They were concerned about salivary gland cancer but its negative. But what about other cancers?

I have multiple swollen lymph nodes around my neck and head. I have difficulty swallowing and very very tired. Also quite breathlessness. Have a dull ache in back of head too and been presribed omeprazole for sickness.

One minute im worried, the next im not… i dont know what to think

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Hi @Jomahoney
I do have a lymphoma diagnosis so any swollen lymph nodes can be a symptom of a new area of lymphoma.
But they can also be a myriad of other things.
Last year I had lumps the size of tangerines in my neck multiple scans and pet scans and biopsies were all inconclusive the only thing was to remove them which was quite a large surgical procedure but when you already have lymphoma I didn’t really have much choice.
They were not malignant! They were reactive tissue !
So I guess what I am trying to say is try not to worry ( easier said then done) but you are in the right place , having the right tests, they will get to the bottom of it. The NHS is amazing.
My outlook is no point in worrying especially when I don’t know what I am worrying about.
Do let us know how you get on.


Hi @Jomahoney welcome to our forum.
@Jules has given you a great response.
I think it is the waiting and not knowing that makes me so anxious, and my mind goes in all directions.
It sounds as if you are having lots of symptoms and that you have had lots of tests which rule medical options in or out.
I find a handy hint is to keep a diary of my symptoms and the impact on my life.
Also any questions, fears and practicalities I might have for my next appointment and I ask for responses to be in a language I can understand.
Be kind to yourself and really look after yourself and please do keep posting.

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