I’m 25 years old and worried about swelling in my neck
I went for an ultrasound scan last October and was told I had reactive glands however the swelling has been constant since
The swelling is visible and people around me notice, it has also started to cause aching which is why I am unsure about lymphoma as i know it should be painless
I have recently had bloods done which showed high inflammation levels and abnormal liver enzymes
Im extremely worried now as it has been ongoing for such a long time but I have a CT scan booked next week
Has anyone else been told they just have reactive glands? Do I need to keep pushing for investigations?
Hi @Crocodile30 I am glad that you have found our forum.
Your concern really comes across to me.
I always think that peace of mind is so important so perhaps you might consider getting a second opinion or go via the NHS hospital PALS scheme (Patient Advice and Liasion Scheme)
You might want to wait till after your CT scan results which will give you the opportunity to write down your fears, questions and practicalities for your next appointment. I have learnt to be pleasantly assertive and ask for answers in plain language.
Please do let us know how you get on waiting and not knowing is horrible
Take lots of care of yourself
Hi @Crocodile30,
Welcome to our forum. I am sorry to hear you are worried about a swelling in you neck. It completely understandable that you feel this way especially as it has been there for some time.
Hopefully the CT Scan will give you a clearer understanding of what might be causing this swelling. Have you had previous scans or investigations? Sorry to ask but I am just wondering who said they were reactive to you.
Given that you have posted here and have mentioned Lymphoma, I have enclosed some information on Lymphoma including symptoms Lymphoma It is important to remember that most people who have symptoms won’t have lymphoma. But it’s important to find out what’s causing them and push for further investigations if needed.
Please let us know how your scan goes.
Take care
Fiona (support services nurse)
I was told it was a reactive gland following an ultrasound scan last year through NHS radiology
I have today found out I now have protein in my urine and just feeling very stressed as this swelling in my neck is affecting me daily! I’ve been told all week that my doctor still has not looked at results so I am left in limbo as to what can be causing it
I can’t keep my eyes open at work
I also have a rash over my cheeks and aching a lot that I can barely walk
Hi @Crocodile30 thanks for the update.
So sorry to hear that you have deteriorated, do you think that you need to talk to 111 or go to A&E?
Really look after yourself and please do keep posting
Hi @Crocodile30,
I am sorry that you are not getting any answers and this is causing you so much stress. We would be very happy to talk things through with you, if this helps on our support line on 0808 2020 888.
If you have not done so already, I would advise you to attend your local hospital if you are aching so much that you can barely walk.
Look after yourself and let us know how you get on.
Fiona (support services nurse)