
My brother has CML and a recent blood mutation has changed his medication It’s alarmed me as he appeared to do so well on his Tki meds. The mention of bone marrow matches in the future I found v sad as I’m unable as I hv had chemo in the past. Can anyone associate with this ? x


Hi @PRLTah-14,
Welcome to our forum. I hope you are doing okay?
I am sorry to hear that your brother is going through treatment for CML & it is leaving some uncertainty for you all.

May i ask, has your brother been told that his treatment regime will change and he will be taken off TKI’s completely?

It can be very difficult to understand why changes in treatment happen so I do hope you are able to talk things through with your brother.
Additionally do know that should you ever need any support- our helpline is open 7 days- 0808 2080 888.

Take Care, Lauran


Hi @PRLTah-14 a great big welcome, it really comes over what a caring, supportive sister you are.
I do not do well with all this medical speak and the unknown sounds so scary to me too.
Please keep posting as I look forward to hearing more about you both.
Look after yourselves

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