Night sweats your experience

I have posted on here before mainly about bone pain, I have not been diagnosed with leukemia. But quite worried for a number if reasons.

I wanted to ask about people’s experience of night sweats prior to diagnosis, I was recently on an anti anxiety pill which I felt had been causing my to sweat at night. I have stopped those now but am still getting the sweats, the really odd thing however is that I always get them within the first two hours of sleep after tyat for the rest of the night I seem to be ok, so was wondering if this was unique to me? Thanks Alan

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Hi @Red1, I have never had a particular problem with night sweats, my inner thermometer doesn’t work very well though.
I have never had bone pain.
You say you have not been diagnosed with leukaemia, although you have obviously felt anxious.
Have you talked to your GP about why you feel you might have leukaemia and what have they said?
If you would like to talk to someone you can contact our Support Services Team on 0808 2080 888 (10am-7pm Monday-Friday, and 10am-1pm Saturday and Sunday) or via email at
Take care of yourself.

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@Red1 Alan, I found the blood cancersymptom tracker from last year if that is any help. Best wishes

Before I was diagnosed with CLL the night sweats would wake me up and they were bad enough to get out of bed and dry myself off and put a towel on the pillow and on the bedsheet because they were cold and damp, this went on for a month or 2. It was usually between 2 -4am. My wife comments that I am always hot (heat not attraction🤣) even though I don’t have a temperature.


I had night sweats for at least 3-4 years before I was diagnosed with T-LGLL last October. I still sweat but at the moment it is because of my medication. I am hot (atm with mild temperature), and sleep fan on most nights. I think our symptoms varies hugely and even with multiple blood tests it isn’t always straightforward to be diagnosed with blood cancer. Speak with your GP about your symptoms. :orange_heart:



Hi Alan,

It’s really good to hear from you, hope you’ve been doing okay?
I’m so sorry to hear of the night sweats you’ve been experiencing, this does sound so uncomfortable for you. I echo @Erica and wondered if there has been any further opportunity to talk to your GP about this?


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Latest blood have shown increased monocytes, whilst the Dr doesn’t seem worried I can see that high monocytes can be a sign of CMML.

However this is such a rare disease it’s unlikely but also impossible to find much info about.

I have sent the blood results to haematologist for comment. No news as yet.


Hi @Red1, how are you? Just messaging on this thread in case you missed my reply. Waiting for results and what the diagnosis may be can be a difficult time. Have the treatment said what the next course of action is. Are they going to refer you for further tests? If you would like to speak to someone from the support service team, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can find all the ways to contact us here:

Best Wishes

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Hi, I just feel I am banging my head against a brick wall. My symptoms are not much worse and the only change to blood was the excessive monocytes at 17.6% and absolute 1014 ml.

I have read that over 10% could be cmml which is very rare I think.

Am awaiting view of haematologist.

My bones in my thighs and ribs is very uncomfortable.

Thanks for asking


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Hi, Have your night sweats stopped? Is that what usually happens ?

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Hi @Red1, what did your haematologist say?
How are you doing now?

HI @worriedM, I believe that night sweats can be a symptom of blood cancer, but they can be a symptom of many conditions.
My night sweats have subsided but that could also be my age.
I think you might have a reason for asking, how are doing and feeling?

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Hi, thank you for your answer. It just i did have quite bad night sweats around Sept ,October. That’s when my sleep started to get bad. But the night sweats have stopped now, so I thought it was anxiety related .My sleep is on and off, but I don’t sleep well.
I am still waiting for my telephone appointment ( mid February). No changes - I have headaches - but that could be anxiety , lack of sleep. I had a chest X-ray in October, that was clear. I am not sure what other diagnostic tests should I expect ?

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@worriedM we have some information around diagnostic tests here - but also I wondered if you might find it helpful to talk things through with one of us on the support line? No pressure whatsoever but if you might find it helpful our number is 0808 2080 888 or please feel free to email us at to let us know the best number to reach you on and the most convenient times for you. Take care.

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Be thibking of you @worriedM. Let us know how your appointment goes in February. How have you been feeling?

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Did you donate blood before the diagnosis?

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