Places are available to participate in a study exploring the benefits of meditation awareness training for improving quality of life.
The trial explores the effectiveness of Meditation Awareness Training (MAT), a second-generation mindfulness-based intervention, in enhancing quality of life, pain management, and psycho-spiritual wellbeing among cancer patients.
To be eligible, you need to be:
✦ Over the age of 18 years
✦ Have a diagnosis of cancer/blood cancer (up to and including stage 3) The trial includes people with a diagnosis of blood cancer.
✦ Diagnosed within the past 24 months
✦ Do not have a palliative diagnosis
✦ Able to attend weekly 2-hour online sessions for 8-weeks.
✦ Have access to the internet and an electronic device capable of video conferencing e.g. MSTeams
Interested in finding out more?
The study poster, can be found here
Recruitment poster pdf.pdf (23.9 KB) -
Check out the facebook page, here::
Link to additional trial details:
You can self-refer. If you match the eligibility criteria and are interested in finding out more please email or sending a message via the facebook page link.