
Hi all, yet another prescription, this time for ‘Bells Palsy’. I am on 5mg, 12 per day for 5 days, then 10,8,6,4,2, thereafter per day for 5 days.

I note that one complication for Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)’ers taking ths medication is that it may l effect ones immune system, and the threat of infection increases.

Given that infections are very much a threat to us, I am wondering if I should just isolate for the 10 days, I take this pill.

Any views, or personal experience will be very much appreciated…

All the best. Ron.

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Hi @Vindicatrix, how are you feeling? It’s understandable to have questions around this. I wondered whether you’ve spoken with your team about this at all, as they may have some advice for you? As I’m sure you’re aware, please do inform them if you have any symptoms of infection at all. Hopefully others will share if they have had any similar experiences and I will tag our Support Services Nurses (@BloodCancerUK_Nurses) in case they have any thoughts on this topic.

Best wishes,


Thanks Tanya for your quick response as always. I appreciate your advice, I am waiting to attend my new ‘Haematology Team’.

I will mention it to them when I see them hopefully in one or two weeks or so.

My quandry at the moment is, should I isolate during the 10 days of this ‘Bells Palsy’ treatment., as the risk of infection increases when taking it.

I do still stay away from crowds, and am still very aware of the risk of infection, but it is of course all down to ‘Risk Assessment’ and ‘Balance’.

Thanks again Tanya.



Oh @Vindicatrix no views or personal experiences from me I am afraid.
Perhaps this is a question for your Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) medical team and anyway it lets them know exactly what is happening to you medically which I always think is best.
By the way my husband was on prednisolone for part of his arthritis treatment without any side effects.
Please let us know how you get on and do what you feel most comfortable with.

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Thanks Erica, and I am pleased your husband had a good result with Prednisolone, I am hearing conflicting stories about ‘Bells Palsy’ some, worrying, some encouraging.

That’s what I like about this forum, it provides a great deal of advice, and personal experiences, which allows us to better decide in what direction, we travel.

I will inform my new Haematology Team as soon as I see them, hopefully in weeks, rather than months.

Thanks again. Ron