Raised paraprotein MGUS

Hi everyone I’m a newby here. I’ve just been told I need a bone marrow biopsy as paraprotein levels have increased . Feeling nervous about all of it I guess, keep reading all the things I probably shouldn’t. Any advise or reassurance would be grateful for. Thank you x

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Hi Janey59, I had my second bone marrow biopsy yesterday and it was super quick with a little bit of discomfort but not as bad as I was expecting. I had asked for gas and air but no one was trained on the Ward but if its available then ask. They do give plenty of local Anesthetic and I found my husband’s hand useful to squeeze! Everyone seems to have different experiences but I tried to avoid looking online. Good luck and have some chocolate ready after as a treat :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @Janey59 a great big welcome to our forum and I believe everyone’s experiences are different.
@Debcosgriff has shared their experiences.
I think you have answered your own question by saying ‘I guess, keep reading all the things I probably shouldn’t.’
I would say to tell your medical team that you are concerned/anxious/ scared/ first time etc.and ask for help if you need it, I think that the more relaxed you are the better (easier said than done because it is unknown procedure, I know)
Please do let us know how you get on and I look forward to hearing more about you.
Be kind to yourself and as @Debcosgriff says have a treat afterwards.