Just rang Staysure and they didnt want to know and hung up on me. Any with T cell Large granular lymphocytic leukaemia (LGLL) managed to arrange travel insurance?
Hi @Chris4 we heard the same thing at the end of last week, I will copy your post to Blood Cancer UK @BloodCancerUK-SupportTeam
Ii is not a nice feeling to have someone hang up on you.
I will copy a link for you, but do shop around
Holiday insurance - General chat - Blood Cancer UK Online Community Forum
Look after yourself
Sorry to hear you were treated so rudely by Staysure. I have a different type of blood cancer (Waldenström macroglobulinaemia (WM)), which is quite rare and have an annual travel policy with Avanti. You could try them. Take care
It’s very frustrating isn’t it.
The link @Erica has provided is really useful. I have used All Clear in the past who were very good. I’m really surprised about Stay Sure as have heard good things about them in the past and I know they are partnered with BCUK. May be worth giving the helpline a call to see if they can help?
Please keep us updated on how you get on
Thank you, that is useful
Thank you, will let you know how I get on
Thank you, will try them tomorrow
Thank you to everyone for replying
I have a different type of blood cancer but have used Insurance With for my travel insurance . Might be worth giving them a try.
Thank you for replying. Ive been in touch with With and they are going to get back to me
Hi Chris, how did you get on with sourcing insurance. I have TLGL and also needed Travel Insurance for my next holiday,
Hi @Jbeaver12 @Chris4 @CaroleCW @Nichola75 @MSullivan
Blood Cancer UK have been in contact with Staysure insurance and they were very apologetic. They have spoken to their staff and told them that the discount still applies to Blood Cancer UK patients. Sorry about your treatment, please do let us or the Blood Cancer UK support line on 0808 2080 888 know if you have further problems.
That’s great news @Erica!
Managed to obtain with Insurewith, had to go through screening which was a telephone conversation of around an hour (additional conditions declared)
Arranged with Insurewith.
Glad you got it all sorted