Totally confused!

That sounds really frustrating for you @Willow, it’s clear that the situation regarding supermarkets has left many people understandably confused!
Have you contacted your local supermarket since speaking to your GP, to inform them of your letter?
There’s a new post on this issue, here, if you wish to take a look - Advice on Supermarket Deliveries

Also, did you take a look at the Covid Mutual Aid webpage that @SuBloodcancerUK posted above? If so, was it useful for you?

Take care, Alice

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Hi Anthony, that is a long way to walk in pain, wow, it sounds as if your frozen veg was put to very good use. Take care, I am still doing a pilates DVD every day, the high spot of my day was 2 new DVD’s arriving in the post!!!

Hi all,
I had a call from my GP this morning, updating his records.
He wanted to know if I did get the virus did I want to be hospitalised?
Too right I do, I live alone and don’t have anyone who could look after me.
He’s updated his records and will advise ambulance services that I want to be hospitalised in the event I do succumb to the virus.
He did tell me that a lot of elderly and vulnerable folk preferred to stay in their own homes if they are taken ill, which I find odd!!

Now for something completely different.
Many of you may have seen the extremely funny film
“ Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure” starring Keanu Reeves.?
At the very end the character Abraham Lincoln says
“ be excellent to one another and party on”
We will have to leave the “party on” bit for the duration, but the first part definitely should be applied to all

Best wishes


It’s good to hear you had a talk with your GP about your choices around care, Anthony!
Hope you’re doing OK. How is the sinus infection?

I think your quote at the end is great :slight_smile:

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Dear Alice,
I’ve had more years with sinus infections than without.
It’s rather unusual when I haven’t got one. Last one was December, no big deal really.
I’ve watched the Bill and Ted film several times, always makes me laugh, the sequel wasn’t so good though.
Best wishes
Ps I hope you’re able to “party on” when this dreadful time is over.

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Hi Anthony, I am impressed that your GP rang you, even if his comments appeared odd. I think your quote is a brilliant philosophy for life.

Hi I registered at the beginning of the week on the advice of my cancer nurse… I have had CLL for 11 years now…but I haven’t had a letter inspite of my gp saying I should have had one in the first place .I understand from Sainsburys that unless I have had the letter I do not qualify for a fast track any delivery slot …so where do I check if I am on the list ? And what do I do now ? I am really worried that I might just have been triaged out of any treatment as I have a heart condition too

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Hi @Annie78 , I hope you are doing okay? I’m so sorry, this uncertainty must be so worrying for you. We have been informed that there the letters are still being sent out, so it is possible it will come with in the next week or two. Have you had any opportunity to let your treatment team know about this?

Hi Annie, some people seem to have received letters and others not, no particular reasons why that I know of. @SuBloodcancerUK might have more up to date information. It must be a worrying time for you and you might wish to tell your obvious concerns with your GP team and let us know what happens, please, this forum is the right place to share your fears, thoughts and feelings.

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@Erica @Annie78 As Erica said, @Annie78 please do feel free to share any worries you have on here or anything that is on your mind, you are very welcome! Just going back to the letters, we have been made aware that, that there has been some delay with these being sent out and are currently still in the processing of getting to people who need one. NHS letters which are being sent out are based on a criteria set out by NHS England, but are refined by local healthcare teams and clinicians, this is one of the reasons why it may take a bit more time for some people. But we would still encourage people to reach out to their treatment teams. We can completely appreciate how frustrating and worrying this must be for you, though I hope it gives a bit more clarity?

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Dear all, regarding my previous post mentioning call I had from my GP asking did I wish to be hospitalised if I became ill. I answered in the affirmative.
I have now received a Treatment Escalation Plan sheet with my condition, the fact I’m on chemotherapy, primary contact details, clinical recommendations for emergency care and treatment, transfer to hospital for all available care dependent on clinical judgment and availability intubation, ventilation should be considered.
This I should keep at home to show to any health professionals who may not have my health history eg out of hours GP/paramedics.
I spoke to him today about the question of antibiotics being given in hospital as all of the broad spectrum type have a severe adverse reaction to Amlodopine the blood pressure meds I take,
He is therefore now going to send me a list of the medications I am on to attach to the Treatment Plan
It is also mentioned that I don’t want CPR for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.
I’ve already told hospital, Pilgrims Hospice and Health Practice this.
Best wishes to you all

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Forgot to add that some years ago I was issued with card by my chemotherapy clinic a card I should always carry on my person in the event I’m admitted to hospital with suspected Neutropenic Sepsis and antibiotics should be started even before it’s confirmed.
It’s very likely that some of have also been given such a card by your respective clinics?


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Hello Annie. I really sympathise with you as I have been in a similar position to you. I registered on the website but it took over a week for them to text me to confirm that I was extremely vulnerable to COVID-19. I eventually got the NHS letter today. However I decided to ring Tesco before I got the letter and explain that I have blood cancer and am definitely in the high risk group. The number you need to ring is 0800 917 7359. There is a priority line for Sainsbury’s too. It is 0800 052 5500. Hope you are successful. Take care. Willow

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I’ve got two letters to confirm I’m vulnerable, as my care is split across two different NHS Trusts. It has made no difference to me gettng a shopping slot as I still have to wait on Gov telling some supermarkets I’m on the list and for some others I can’t get through on the phone number, or get close to even finding an available slot.

I am vegetarian so need to try to get fruit and veg, which isn’t always easy. And what is it with eggs? I think you need to purchase those on the black market as there’s never any in the shops close to me! I just keep hoping it’ll settle down and people will go back to buying a normal level of groceries each week.

I honestly never thought something as simple as food shopping would make me so angry/frustrated in equal measure.


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Hi Willow, @Annie78 and @Lou, Thanks for the information @Willow. I think it demonstrates how much time, effort, thought and emotions has gone in to try and get online supermarket deliveries, let alone slots. I was sitting here fuming and thinking I had shopped, loyally, with the same supermarket for half a century and I have spent a fortune with them, I am also a weekly online shopper with them. I spent hours trying to get through on the phone and got so excited when I was placed in a queue and when I got though and thought I had sorted my status I came off the phone and burst into tears. Now I cannot get a delivery slot and I spend ages checking the site. Yes, how many eggs can people store???

Hi @Lou I hope you are doing okay? I’m so sorry, this must be so frustrating for you, especially as it sounds like you have been really proactive in trying to find support for yourself. Have you tried contacting the main government helpline at all: 0800 028 8327? There might be other things you could try in the meantime too, for example, your local council might be able to offer you some support? or your local volunteer centre if there is one in your borough. Another option could be to try a more local and smaller supplier. Lou, please do feel free to talk anything through with us.

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Thanks @SuBloodcancerUK. I think I’m lucky in my husband can go out but he’s trying not to as there is little point in him dashing around and then bringing infection into house. Someone told me if you have your repeat prescription you can use Pharmacy2U so might give that a try, as that’s one less queue to worry about. Thanks for sharing the Tesco number @Willow I’m going to give that Tesco number a call today too. If there is a positive I’ve quite enjoyed googling and looking at Pinterest for ideas to cook with the food I do have.

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I think the point here is some people might feel that if they were already really very unwell already they would not want to be rushed to hospital and possibly be Ventilated to attempt to save their life. I can imagine a lot of people might feel that way but like you I definitely would want full action all the way please!

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Hey David,
One decision I have made is that in the event of cardiopulmonary resuscitation I don’t want CPR.
I’ve discussed this with my haematologist, GP and Pilgrims Hospice.
Statistics show that at my age and with terminal cancer the probability of brain damage if revived is very high.
I can always change my mind of course, but at the moment I think it’s a wise choice.
Best wishes

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Whoops, sorry Adrian, got your name wrong.
My apologies
Ps just got up and not with it