Hi guys so I posted a few weeks back about my ultrasound paying private and finding the lump which turned out they said it was measuring 1.10 cm by 0.46 it was oval shaped with fatty hilum retention noted cervically ? Has anyone else had anything similar he told me it was benign according to the "sonographer " he did my whole neck the other two lymph nodes where tiny 0.76 cm by 0.32 but they all had fatty hilum retention and he even checked my thyroid saying it’s all normal , I did ask why that one was big he said have you had any infections I said no , he said we’ll sometimes your body fights an infection and that lymph node may not decrease in size but to just keep an eye on it to see if it well does increase which so far it hasn’t but in this case I don’t know whether to ask for a second opinion? I don’t really have very many symptoms I am anemic so I have been very tired I’m only anemic because I have a very poor diet I’m constantly busy with work! I haven’t lost any weight as I can’t seem to lose any no matter how hard I try no night sweats just tiredness constant ! These are my results from the scans
Hi @rhempkin123 sorry to hear that you are still living with this not knowing and uncertainty.
You seem to have a hectic life and a good insight into yourself, perhaps your diet is an area you might think about addressing and as you say it might help your anaemia and tiredness.
Someone once said to me that your diet is your fuel, you wouldn’t expect your car to run well on poor fuel.
Unfortunately we cannot comment on your scans, as you have shown so clearly we are very complex individuals and only a medical expert can advise you, but with your whole history.
What are you going to do now for peace of mind?
Are you going to continue privately or go down the NHS route?
If you are not satisfied with either response perhaps you are looking at a second opinion.
I really hope that you can get the answers and peace of mind you deserve,
Be very kind to yourself, you are worth it.
Yeah I guess so. Im gonna leave it be but if anything else concerns me I think I’m gonna go to gp and he said nothing as of concerning on scan nothing suggests cancer plus all other lymph nodes smaller my thyroid was very healthy with no masses but if it did continue to grow then I would go back for further evaluation. Thank you for your kind words. Take care yourself x