White blood cell levels


I am currently on my fourth session of 12 and my white blood cell count has fallen to 2.7. I haven’t had to take a break yet and I am feeling very good so hoping I can keep going without any break. I’m just wondering has anyone here seen any way of raising their white blood count. I’ve seen some things online about maki g sure protein intake is high and mine always is.



Hi @Ronan no, sorry I cannot help you; I hope someone might be able to share their experiences, but it might be worth asking your medical team as you do not want to take anything that might conflict with your treatment.
I am so glad that you are feeling very good, doesn’t it make a difference.
Please let us know how you get on and look after yourself

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Hi @Ronan
As @Erica has said it is very important to check in with your team before embarking on taking any supplements as they can interfere with other medications.
The advice I was given was more about protecting the white blood count I had . I don’t believe any specific foods or diet changes are proven to increase production of white blood cells. I was advised things like the important of practising good hygiene, hand-washing, and food safety to ensure I didn’t become unwell and maintain the white count I had.
Look after yourself

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Hi Ronan
I’m sorry I don’t have personal experience but as @Erica & @Jules said, be careful of taking any supplements without advice as they could interfere or react with your treatment. As hard as it is try keeping yourself safe around people in public where at this time of year there are lots of germs & bugs about. Eating lots of clean foods (fruits & vegetables) can surly help with your immune. Talk to your team & im sure they will advise you as to whether a break is needed or not. I really hope you can continue your treatment Stay safe & take care :cherry_blossom:

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Hello @Ronan

Thank you for posting on the Forum.
You have asked a great question about raising White Blood Cells (WBC).
If I am honest, other than injectable medical treatments, I don’t know of a way to increase your counts, however I am not trained or knowledgeable in dietetics or alternative therapies.

Your Haematologist may well be able to help advise you on foods, protein sources etc, that help maintain good cell counts, you may wish to ask them when you have your next appointment.

Consultants certainly are aware of which anti-cancer treatments always drop WBC counts, as not all chemotherapy/immunotherapy does, so you should be monitored closely. Please try not to worry if your counts do drop, they will increase again, and it’s far safer to not treat, and risk getting an infection, when you can delay treatment for a week or two to let the counts recover.
If your WBC counts are deemed too low for treatment (this will depend on national guidelines for your disease and treatment, that the medical team have to follow), you may be advised to have the injectable treatment called G-CSF (Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor). This is a growth factor, signalling the bone marrow to produce more WBC. This link tells you more about [GCSF treatment],
you may find it useful to read (Granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) | Cancer information | Cancer Research UK) in case you are offered it.

Do let us know if anything is recommended to you, it would be useful for us to know.

Fingers crossed for your future blood tests and treatments.

Take care and best wishes,

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Hi @Ronan I have been thinking of you and I just wondered how you are doing now?
Take lots of care of yourself

Hi Erica,

Thanks for checking in. I am just after completing my 6th session of 12 and feeling very good. My WBC has not dipped since my message about it it seems to be staying around the same so hopefully it stays like this. The treatment itself has been going very well, I completed a PET scan not so long ago and the results look very positive. Feeling fit and feeling fresh for the most part also.