I was wondering if any specialists in bloods could advise me please! Since last July my platelet, ferritin and basophil count has been slightly higher but fluctuating. I have had CT CAP- US- And colonoscopy after positive FIT. Nothing found to suggest why the bloods are the way they are.
30th July 2024- platelets 453- ferritin- 217- basophil 0.13
13 Aug 2024- Platelets 436- ferritin 200- basophil 0.14
3rd Dec 2024- ferritin 290.1
19th Dec- platelets 444- ferritin 351.8
Iron Studies- 3rd Sept 24%
3rd Dec- 30% no haemacromatosis
I also have an overactive Thyroid and deficiency in Vit D and Folate! I’ve not been feeling well within myself- extremely exhausted, pain down my R tibia into my foot which is new, there is a lot more but I’d be writing here forever! Any advice please from a blood specialist would be helpful as I have a f/u next Wed with my GP.
Hi @Sarah22 welcome to our forum.
Unfortunately we cannot advise on blood test results as we are all unique, complex individuals, as you show in your last paragraph, and our clinicians take a lot of of extra factors into account when considering our cases.
It really helps me to write down all my fears, questions and practicalities before my appointments so I cover everything I want to.
I ask for responses in a language I can understand.
Your post has the basis for your questions.
Please do let us know how you get on on Wednesday.
Really look after and be kind to yourself
Thank you! It was more advice as in should I really be asking the question about a referral to haematology… she did mentioned it back in July but the iron studies came back normal… I just want to know why I am feeling soo rubbish! I will see what the GP suggests next week.
Welcome to our forum. I am sorry to hear you have not been feeling well recently with exhaustion and pain .
As @Erica mentioned, we are not allowed to comment on individual blood test results. I have enclosed some of our information which discusses the normal ranges of blood cells in more detail which you might find useful Blood Cancer Blood Cells
Given you have posted here, I suspect that you are worried about blood cancer. I would suggest that you discuss your concerns when you speak with your GP next week. I have enclosed a link here from our website on the signs and symptoms of Blood Cancer. It includes information on the questions to ask your doctor when you are worried and further tests that might need to be done. Blood Cancer Signs and Symptoms It is important to remember that most people who have symptoms described on this page won’t have blood cancer. But it’s important to find out what’s causing them.
Please let us know how you get on.
Take care
Fiona (support services nurse)