Advice on Supermarket Deliveries

@Annie78 it’s always really good to hear of other peoples’ experiences Annie, and very pleased to hear you got the invites. I hope you’ve been doing okay?

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I was registered on the gov web site but had ticked that I was able to get food supplies. I was struggling to get delivery slots so went back and registered as needing help with food and straight away I received emails from Asda and Tesco. I have now got my recurring delivery from Asda until October and that has taken an immense amount if pressure off me. In addition to the supermarket delivery I have also received my food box from the Government. I will go back and register as not needing help so the food boxes can be reallocated to someone else. But I have to say I am impressed with the sleekness of the system. Highlight of the week is Asda delivery and weekly chemo Oh the joys of lockdown


Wow, @Jill, what a good news story and I have found I was so ecstatic when I managed, after much difficulty, to get my first on line slot and as for a recurring slot till October I would have been over the moon!! I am glad you also had your weekly chemo. How are you and what’s going on for you?

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@Jill that such good news Jill! and I’m so pleased to hear, it has taken some pressure off you. How have you been?

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This isn’t something I’ve tried, but it looks worth investigating:

(They’re another one of these specialist wholesalers who’ve changed their ways.)


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Hi @BobK99, Thanks for this, your link looks interesting but unfortunately does not cover my area. How are you keeping and feeling during the Covid-19?

Thank you @DavidAmbassador, for sharing the up to date information about supermarket priority slots with everyone on the forum.

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