Another worrying blood test

I wrote in March that my blood results showed left shift (( which means immature neutrophils being released from bone marrow ) this is usually due to infection in the body, however I didn’t have an infection that I knew of. I have since read that The release of immature neutrophils can also be as a result of bone marrow crowding caused by leukemia cells. I asked at the time if anyone had experienced this. Moving on I had some further tests in April that appeared normal, then last week I had a regular blood test ( I have quarterly tests due to high ferritin ) which again came back with left shift neutrophils, the thing is this time I have had a sore throat off and on for two months. GP asked me to do another FBC which I did yesterday and am sat here scared witless as the results haven’t been returned as yet and normally they take less than 24 hours. Not sure I have a question this time but just wanted to share. Al

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Hi @Red1. It’s lovely to hear from you and I’m glad you came back and shared how things are going. I find its helpful just to write things down on here because people understand how you are feeling and that’s a huge comfort I think.
I just hate waiting. As much as you try to keep yourself busy it always there isn’t it, along with that fear.
I’m really glad your GP is following it up. Will they call when they have the results?
Anything you can do whilst you are waiting that might help distract you for a bit.
Please keep us updated. Sending special thoughts x


Hi, thanks for your reply, I am hoping my Gp will provide results as soon as possible, with it being Friday, isn’t it always when you are waiting, I am hoping to get some news today, but not too sure that will happen


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Just had blood results with no report of left shift and all normal within range readings.






So sorry to hear about your plight…

Are you aware that you can access your blood test results via the NHS app. It’s pretty easy to set up though you will need to ring you go surgery asking them permission for your med records to be accessed via the app. The results show everything… and I’m slowly learning so much about all my levels etc. As soon as the results are processed they become live on the app within a day or two.

Word of caution… Only gp requested blood tests are shown via the app and not ones ordered through hospital… no sure why… A work round to this is asking your GP to download the results to their system so you then have access to them. So when I’ve had a blood test I email my GP requesting the results be downloaded to their system and after a few hours… Bingo I see them in all its detail.

You may have to write or email your GP requesting you want to use the NHS app.

Hope things get sorted for you .

Take care

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Phew - I was keeping everything crossed. You must feel so much better! I hope you are treating yourself to something nice tonight - or an early night. Worrying is so exhausting!

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Hi @Red1, thanks so much for posting, you had me on the edge of my seat there, I was expecting to be there over the weekend.
I have to say that my blood test results usually incur a longer waiting time than you were expecting.
Perhaps it might be worth checking out your sore throat that you have had on and off for two months.
Anyway reassuring news, time for a celebration I hope.
Please keep posting how you are.

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Hi @Rammie18 thanks for the info about accessing via the NHS App, I will contact my surgery.

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Hi all, well my sore throat remains and if anything is slightly worse. My GP took a swab on Monday and has agreed to do another FBC This Friday, so another worried weekend.

I have also posted a new question asking if anyone had bent diagnosed with AML with low blood counts. I am so worried about leukemia



Hi @Red1 I have responded to your other post.
I am glad your GP is doing further tests, please let us know how your get on.
You say about another worried weekend, it sounds to me as if you have had lots of worrying over the months without a diagnosis, how do you manage all those feelings. I have personally found counselling very helpful, as that something that you might consider?
Take care of yourself.

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Thanks every one for their interest and input. I am still suffering with a sore throat ( anyone else had this prior to diagnosis)? My throat swab has returned a ‘normal response’ ie no bacterial infection.

My GP upgraded my FBC to include serum Electrophoresis with IGS, coagulation screen.

Any input if these tests welcome.

Test carried out this morning, so another painful weekend.

Enjoy the nice weather if you can.


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Hi @Red1 thanks for the update, I hope you can enjoy the nice weather and your weekend too.
Spoil yourself, you must be on an emotional roller coaster.

Yes, I have had enough now.