Coping with loss

Hi all,

I don’t think I am coping so well. I seem to be feeling not quiten right all the time these days. and I do try to distract myself by doing things in the garden for a short time only. I seem to spend a lot of time planning ways to overcome my barriers to doing certain tasks.

My daughter and son-in-law and myself spent a good hour or more in the garden centre, trying to figure out what was needed to install a pot watering system as I have 36 pots in my back garden and I can no longer hold the hose for the time necessary to water them.

I I did manage to make a boiled fruit cake this week. It did take me two days to do it and I had to wait for my carer. To get it out of the tin as it was too heavy for me to hold in one hand. I adore boiled fruitcake and this recipe is full of mixed fruit, walnuts and cherries and is very moist to eat hence it is a very heavy cake. It keeps for ages in an airtight tin or you can freeze it. I dislike bought cakes They are all very overpriced and tasteless in my humble opinion.

It is a cloudy damp day here which seems to make my breathing more difficult and therefore I tired much more quickly. I hope everyone has a lovely bank holiday weekend. Marylin

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Oh @Marylin I am so so sorry that you are not coping so well.
I hope your des res pot watering system will ease your load slightly.
I wonder if you are expecting too much of yourself after what you have gone through this last 6mths or so.
59 yrs is such a long time, and with your challenges as well, and a bereavement of a partner takes such a long time to just start to come to terms with.
Oh, a boiled fruitcake sounds absolutely yummy.
Be very, very kind to yourself and please do keep posting