Discharge after stem cell transplant

My partner Jim had a Stem cell transplant on 17 December and they are now talking about discharging him. I am petrified.
We live in the borders our local hospital is a general one, it’s overloaded with ill patients and we are 3 hours from hospital where transplant happened. It feels too soon.


Hi @AileenFirth I am so glad that you have found us, welcome, and I reckon that it is natural to feel petrified.
Obviously we cannot say whether the decision is medically sound or not.
Perhaps it is talking to your husband about how you are feeling.
If he feels the same then perhaps he can write down his fears, questions and practicalities and talk honestly to his medical team, preferably with you there.
Please do let us know how you get on and the Blood Cancer UK support line is also there for you on 0808 2080 888.
Be very kind to yourself and look after yourself as well as you look after your husband…

Hi @AileenFirth,

Welcome to our forum. I can only imagine how worrying and over whelming this period must be for you both. It is completely understandable to feel this way. Going home after a transplant can be a very difficult period of re-adjustment for everyone and an anxious time.

Have you spoken to the transplant team about your concerns? Is the follow up plan for him to be to be seen at your local hospital? If so, your local hospital and the transplant team should have a joint agreement in place to ensure he is reviewed in an appropriate setting, normally a chemotherapy day unit or haematology outpatients.

Jim will continue to be closely monitored as an out patient with regular blood tests and medical reviews. This can be between two to three times a week when you first go home and will reduce as time goes on.

If it would be helpful to talk this through in more detail @AileenFirth, please don’t hesitate to give our Support Line a call. The number is 0808 2080 888 - We are open 10am to 1pm tomorrow and from 10am on Monday.

Take care
Fiona ( support services nurse)

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My husband stayed in for 19 days post transplant. I was bloody terrified to take him home. I felt entirely responsible for his care, for checking on him and getting him back to hospital if needs be.

His care team will not let him go until he is ready, but also, hospital is full of bugs even on the cleanest of wards. He is better to recover at home in his own environment.

My husband is just over 6 months post transplant, and wasn’t readmitted once he got out. We did have to go back to the transplant hospital 2 or 3 times a week for 2 weeks whilst they checked his bloods, gave him transfusions (1 x platelets, 3 x magnesium) and cleaned his line. Then for around 3 months we went once a week for bloods and consultants. As of November we have been allowed to go once a month but we have a 24/7 emergency transplant telephone line to call if we have any concerns. I am sure your transplant unit will have similar and will talk you through this and any other concerns before releasing your husband into the wild!

Hope the above helps somewhat x


I think I got a reply from you saying Did I go back to Work ~ Yes I did but it was personal choice. I chose to keep working throughout his treatment including transplant but my employer was very flexible and understanding and I have a job that allowed me to work remotely. I think it’s an entirely personal thing!

Hope you are doing OK!

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Hi @Toadmum and @AileenFirth I reckon that there is no right or wrong answers as to whether you keep working or not, it is a mixture of your personal circumstances, work circumstances, financial circumstances, practical circumstances and emotional circumstances etc.

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