Headache after blood letting

Wanted to second @GemmaBloodCancerUK and add that I hope the bloodletting went better today and your veins were behaving, dear @clickinhistory. What treat have you planned for after?


@GemmaBloodCancerUK and @Duncan a day of cancelations, so everything is now next Monday, so my treat was a day sat on the laptop editing images from the last year.
Hopefully we will be working out a plan soon as I lose money on each visit to the hospital


Oh @clickinhistory I am so sorry that you had a day of cancelations, especially as you say each hospital visit looses you money.
So now everything is next Monday.
Oh, I do like a plan too.
Do you find any gems that you had forgotten about when you were editing?
I will be thinking of you next Monday now and do press for a plan of the way forward.


@Erica New Yearā€™s Eve, funny, I am going over months of images, remember taking each one, but now, why did I need to come into this room? :thinking: :wink:


Ugh how frustrating about the cancellation, especially as it affected your other work. Iā€™ll keep fingers crossed that you get a plan sorted so you donā€™t waste more time and money on something that can already be so stressful.

Funny that you also find editing photos to be a treat! I love going through mine after a good hike to see what I managed to document, and which critters got away!


Probably thatā€™s a way to relax.


@Abaziz0786 and @Duncan free brain creativity against focused brain fog on the paperwork side of life.
Great relaxation as long as I donā€™t think too much about the software upgrade prices, gulp!!


I can ā€˜loseā€™ an afternoon editing photos, although it feels more like a gain as I enjoy getting into that sort of creative flow so much. Definitely part of the process for me, a photo doesnā€™t seem ready until Iā€™ve pored over it :mag: