I’ve had a painless lump on my neck for the past 5 and a half weeks. I had an ultrasound scan, and the provisional conclusion was that it is a branchial cleft cyst. However, I also had a blood test and my GP just rang me today and said there is an abnormality in my blood test results. My patient notes say: “Immunofixation shows the presence of an IgM kappa monoclonal band”. I note it also says “Bone profile Report, Abnormal”.
Is this of extreme concern? I’m now thinking that the lump is a swollen lymph node and is indicative of lymphoma?
I have no symptoms whatsoever apart from this lump.
BTW, 5 days before I first noticed the lump, I had been shaving my neck with a number one razor (which I never do, usually), and I reckoned at the time it was caused by this. But now I’m freaking out that I have cancer.