Flow cytometry

I recently had flow cytometry - (due to several groin nodes that were “mildly enlarged” for several months and on two ultrasounds showed no suspicious changes and appeared to be reactive. I have HSV 1 and HSV2) anyway, the flow cytometry resulted in rare B cells with kappa predominance. My dr said the B cell in blood involvement was so low that it didn’t concern him and that many people over 40 show this at low levels. My concern is the differential diagnoses which has markers for an aggressive. Cancer. He said they always give differential diagnoses but at my levels he’s not concerned. He called it monoclonal B cell lymphocytisis. He also said with no other symptoms- fevers, weight loss, he is pretty confident that it’s an incidental finding and that most people who have this at this low level. NEver progress. Is anyone familiar with this? I’m very anxious.


Hi @Janetdolph71 I am so glad that you have posted.
I can understand your anxiety.
What do you want to do at this point?
Perhaps you might want a second opinion either via your GP or your surgeries Practice Manager, or privately at your cost.
The Blood Cancer UK support line is also there for you on 0808 2080 888
Be kind to yourself and please let us know how you get on.

Hi @Janetdolph71.
As @Erica has said, it may be worth making another appointment or seeking a second opinion. It sounds to me like you still have lots of questions and are not comfortable with what you have been told.
Why don’t you give the support line a call to talk things through. It may support you in deciding on next steps.
Take care and keep us updated

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