Kappa/Lambda ratio

Hi there,
I am a 59 year old male.
I was diagnosed with Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) 3 years ago after a routine health check following the removal of my gangrenous gall bladder.
I’ve trawled through myriad posts, but can’t find an answer, so here’s my question. I hope someone can help.

My Kappa chain is at 857 mg/l (678 mg/l last year) and my Lambda/Kappa ratio is 90 (55 last year).
I live in France, and although the healthcare here is excellent, getting concise information is a challenge; even though I get all my test results sent straight to me, I have no sense of the severity of my Monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS).

These numbers seem rather high to me. My consultant hematologist told me at our last meeting that if my Kappa/Lambda ratio hits 100 she’ll start to look at myeloma treatment, and she’s changed frequency of our appointments from 12 months to 6 months.
Is there something she’s not telling me?

Many thanks.


Hi there
I will link you the myeloma uk gp guide

Hi @Tommy a great big welcome to our forum.
As we are a UK forum you might find that in France things are different in the way conditions are diagnosed, monitored and treated.
I have another blood cancer and my blood results do vary.
The questions you asked are best asked of your consultant.
I always write down my fears, questions and practicalities before an appointment.
Please do let us know how you get on and really look after yourself.

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Thank you for writing to me. It means a lot.
I read a document that someone posted to me on the forum today, which was really useful in helping me to understand the importance of ratios between my Kappa and Lambda numbers, so, when taking into account also your message, I’d say I’ve had a successful day…feel a bit less alone.
Kindest regards to you.