Mental health concerns - Coping at Christmas

Good morning @Hmc63. Yes, medication is so much a part of a lot of peoples lives in this group isn’t it, and sometimes a reminder of our challenges? I wish the sun was shining too. However I too love to hear the birds singing at anytime of the year! I think this year, we all just have to do what feels right for us, and that’s ok because it means we are looking after ourselves. Are you still part of your online prayer group? I know that was giving you some comfort and I’m sure it will continue to do so over the Christmas period. How is your mum feeling about Christmas? You have made me think about some ‘me time’ today. I woke up with a list of things to do but you reminded me that it’s ok to have a lazy day, so you know what, I’m going to follow in your footsteps! Thank you for that @Hmc63!

@Willow and @BedrockFred, @Jilly20 @Erica and @GrandmaJo, are you doing?

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@Hmc63, oh, I love the idea of a lazy Sunday morning, my intentions are good but, the morning has just gone by with me lurching from one job to another (some I never planned to do). The worst part is my step meter says I have done 8 mins of exercise, I have not stopped.
I have done my Pilates for me though, although I would not say that most of the exercises were restful.
I got up to go to the loo at 4am and my friendly robin was chirping away.
I wonder what your mum feels about Christmas.
Yes, I am cooking Christmas dinner as well and we are going to eat at lunchtime as I digest food better then.
I have overdone it with the decorations…again.
Anyway we will all be supporting each other on this forum over the holiday period.
The main thing is that we stay safe.

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Wow @Nichola75, I am so impressed with you having a lazy day, I also need to replenish my batteries, perhaps tomorrow.

Make sure you do @Erica X

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Hello @Nichola75. Thank you so much for asking how I am doing and also how the rest of us are doing? Christmas will be very low-key this year for several reasons. My mother has worsening dementia and my sister is now her live-in Carer with extra outside support. The plan is for me to visit them for a short time on Christmas Day depending on my health and my mother’s health on the day. Unfortunately I have non blood cancer related mobility problems and I had a fall a few days ago and am having to use a wheelchair which has complicated things. However I am really appreciating online church groups and services. I have also treated myself to a lighted willow tree (of course!) which I intend to keep on display throughout the winter and not just for Christmas. Warm wishes to everyone. Willow X

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Great to hear from you @Willow. Gosh, you have a lot going on at the moment don’t you! I hope you get to see your mum and sister, even if just for a while. I’ll be keeping everything crossed that you are all well enough to make this happen. I hope you manage to get out of that chair soon. Have you got someone looking after you? Online groups seem to really be lifting people’s spirits this year don’t they :blush:
I love decorations that you can keep up all year round. We have a tree just like you described that never gets put away! Please take care of yourself. Sending special wishes your way X

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Oh, @Willow, if it is not one thing it’s another and it must be so tough for you in a wheelchair at the moment.
I expected no less of you than to have a lighted Willow tree and as you say Willows are certainly not just for Christmas and I would add that they are very special unique beings !!!
You will have our forum over the holiday period, we are all going to be supporting each other. As you say what would we do without virtual media. Who would have thought we would have online church groups ad services, I had not heard of Zoom this time last year.
I bet your fall really shook you up, how are you doing, honestly?
I am concerned whether you have enough assistance yourself, I know I am useless at asking for and accepting help.
Take care. and sending special wishes back.

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Thank you @Erica for your concern and good wishes. I have mild cerebral palsy so I am used to using a wheelchair on occasions, not usually indoors though. I have a Carer who comes twice a week to assist me and there is always the option to increase these visits if necessary. Fortunately I live in a small flat and so everything is on one level. Wishing you well and really appreciating the support I am getting from this forum. Thank you. Warm wishes. Willow X

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Hi @Willow, how are you getting your shopping needs met, I know I am useless at asking for and accepting help?

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Thank you @Erica for asking. Fortunately I have been getting online grocery deliveries for a few years now from Tesco and they give me priority slots so it’s working well. I agree with you, I am not always good at asking for help but am getting better! Thank you. Warm wishes. Willow


I for one won’t miss Christmas with my family one bit.
In past years my eldest daughter (I have 3+1 boy) has had Christmas dinner at her house.
My ex wife was always present and my son hasn’t spoken to his mother since she started playing away from home so he never attends.
My eldest daughter unfortunately has 2 autistic children, the boy aged 12 is totally uncontrollable and that does make things rather difficult.
During the course of the day my daughters will invariably drink too much and say something controversial ( when my ex deserted the family home I was left with 2 teenage girls to care for, they all still resent this)
That is what creates a really unpleasant time, tears and recriminations and abuse from all of them.
I usually leave when it all kicks off.
In past years I’ve found the event tortious and I’m glad I don’t have to go.
I’m 76 live alone, I have Myelodisplasia, Peripheral Vascular Disease, high blood pressure arthritic toes
and an irregular heartbeat, more than enough company for me.:clown_face:

All this fuss about Christmas is rather OTT, I watched Esther Ransome on the news this morning and she echoed my sentiments.
She said why not postpone Christmas this year and celebrate it on June 21st the Summer Solstice and maybe we could have an extra bank holiday then.
I think it’s a brilliant idea, hopefully the COVID-19 threat will have died down and most people will have been vaccinated :crossed_fingers:
Best wishes too you all, most of all don’t lose your sense of humour, keeps me going.

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Oh, @Blackhat, I certainly have not lost my sense of humour, I keep on losing other things mind you.
As I read your about previous Christmas experiences I thought (as I have thought before) that you could write a book about your life.
I rather like Esther Ransome’s idea of a bank holiday mid summer.
We will all be supporting each other through the holiday period and beyond on this forum anyway. I certainly realise this period can always be so difficult for some people for so many reasons and it might be even more difficult for some this year.
I also think that we all need a space where we can say what it is really like being us.
Yes, it is a year for not having to fight over the TV remote, I hope there is something worth watching on.
Yo, Ho Ho and all that.

Don’t forget the bottle of rum to go with the yo ho ho

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Hi @Blackhat, families eh! It sounds as though this year will be very different. Let’s hope you don’t miss all the chaos :joy: so tell me, what are your plans for your more relaxed Christmas this year?

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Hi @Erica, I hope there is something good on TV too. Being as I’m going to be in my pjs all day I need some good viewing!

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I’ve been in lockdown since March Nichola so it won’t be any different than any other day really.
I’m awake very early and have to exercise to prevent my Peripheral Vascular Disease getting worse.
6 miles this morning between 3am and 6.
All indoors!!
Read for a bit then lunch and sleep after for a couple of hours.
Dinner followed by couple of glasses of red wine.
Then to quote Samuel Peyps “and so to bed”
Same s*** different day.
A very happy Christmas to you Nichola :rose::rose:

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Sending Christmas wishes right back :blush:

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So sorry to hear you had a fall @Willow. Pleased to hear you’ve got such good support around you.

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Hi @Willow. How’s the recovery going?

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