Hi all,
After a few odd months health wise, it was thought I had developed Lyme disease and then possible Covid I noticed I started feeling out of breath, was aching, partly tingling tongue and partly numb foot and dizziness.
My first blood test returned a slightly elevated liver reading so waited 4 weeks and retested again.
GP called me and told me I had something called MGUS, just that it is rare it develops to cancer.
After a couple of days I regrouped my thoughts and asked for my bloods.
It showed my B12 was at 212, only just above the 190 minimum. This would explain the aches I have, the GP wouldn’t give me b12 shots. I told him to speak to a haematologist. The GP admitted I was right and I have just had 21 days of B12 shots.
As well as a flu shot. My symptoms have worsened, but apparently this is common whilst the B12 shots do their thing.
Apparently Peripheral Neuropathy is common in IGM MGUS lambda, even though most MGUS literature in the UK states its symptom free.
I am on 6 month checks.
The reason I am writing is I am all screwed up mentally, I have minor Aspergers and my thoughts are all over the place.
I am snapping at my wife, isolating myself, worrying about the future etc. I have a profoundly autistic son, so worry about the future anyway.
Every ache I have or new feeling, I am thinking things are getting worse.
I feel like my feelings have been ignored. Everyone around me is carrying on like normal. I have had therapy before a couple of times so am emotionally very open, studied Sociology and understand the human condition, but when others don’t it’s hard.
I think you all will understand me…
It’s important to say that I know I can’t do anything about the risk of cancer, short of getting fit, staying stress free. It’s more about the aches in my body.