Parents who have a child being treated for blood cancer or have lost a child to the disease

I have just published a book called ‘Memories of Max: A Father’s Story’, which is about my experience of nursing my son through two cancers (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and Rhabdomyosarcoma).

The book was previously on a website in the early 2000’s and was referenced by many global children’s cancer charities at the time. The feedback on the website Guestbook revealed that it helped both families with children being treated, as well as those who had lost a child.

The book has been comprehensively re-edited and can be found in digital and paperback on Amazon by using the search term ‘Memories of max a father’s story’ in the Amazon search field.



Hello @AllanBuchanan and welcome to the forum. Wow, it’s sounds like your book was so helpful to so many people and how great that’s it has been re-edited and can be shared again.
I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been nursing your son through his illness. I know do many people say that writing and journaling helps. Did it help you writing it as much as it helped others reading it? I was also wondering how you felt when re-editing the book and how you are now? I think it’s an amazing thing that you have done! I’ve glad you joined the forum and shared this with us all X


Hi @AllanBuchanan, a warm welcome to our forum, I am impressed that you have written your book about nursing Max through 2 cancers and to the end. He sounds as if he was a very special son.
It is so useful to get a fathers experiences. I am sure you can really contribute, and I hope find support, on our forum.
Have you thought about writing a book about you, your family and your friends bereavement relationships and processes?


Hi Erica,

The book takes the reader through my bereavement process in the two and half years after my son’s death, after which I thought I had recovered. In reality, however, it took another five and half years before I began to live any form of normal life.

Thanks for your offer of support, but after twenty two years I no longer feel support is necessary.

Take care



Hi Nichola75,

The book was sourced from a diary I wrote throughout my son’s illness and the diary was very helpful at the time. Writing the book was extremely cathartic, and resulted in me moving from being an actor in my own story and becoming an observer. The original writing of the book in 1999 was the start of my recovery from the events of the previous 6 years.

Re-editing did trigger tears, not to be unexpected, but they were transient and quickly recoverable.

Take care,



Hi @AllanBuchanan, I like ‘moving for being an actor in your own story and becoming an observer’, it says so much.

Just such a positive outcome - to be able to help others, and yourself. Amazing the positive effect writing can have on us! :slight_smile: